Welcome to Curriculum Night 2017-2018 Mrs. Hesselgesser First Grade
Introduction Mrs. Hesselgesser Education: BA Communication, Arizona State University MA Elementary Edu., Northern Arizona State 2 years, Full-day Kindergarten 5 years, 1st Grade
Communication kristen.hesselgesser@rentonschools.us Kennydale Phone Number: 425-204-4700 During School Hours: leave a message, call office Blue Communication Folder PTA monthly newsletter
Home and School Partnership Parent «« »» Child «« »» Teacher Bedtime, Breakfast, Be on Time Read for 15+ minutes each night
Language Arts Reading Workshop Writers’ Workshop Narrative Lucy Calkins: Units of Study Fountas and Pinnell: Phonics Shared reading & Read-Alouds Independent reading: Individualized reading levels Daily practice, book shopping Partner Reading: Grouped by reading level Book Buddies Poetry & Songs Writers’ Workshop Lucy Calkins: Units of Study Narrative Informational Opinion/Persuasive Mini-lessons Independent writing Student/Teacher conferences Writing Portfolios Spelling vs. Writing
Phonics & Spelling Handwriting Phonics: spelling patterns, sight words, word families, vowel teams, short/long vowel sounds, prefixes, and suffixes (Word Work) No Spelling Tests (sight words: daily practice, HW) Words We Know (word cards) Handwriting Without Tears (1st trimester only)
Mathematics Scott Foresman Investigations 3 (Pilot) Math Talks *1st grade representative Math Talks Vocabulary Number sense Problem solving Addition & Subtraction Geometry
Social Studies Neighbors Near and Far Neighborhoods Communities Map and globe skills Respect, honor and celebrate diverse cultures in the world (Parents welcome to participate!) Junior Achievement
Science Units/Lessons Foss Science Units/Lessons Plants Insects Solids and Liquids Science Notebooks
Specials Monday/Wednesday: Music Tuesday/Thursday: PE (shoes) Friday: Library *Return books on Thursday
Homework/Blue Folders Homework packets & newsletter will be sent home on Tuesday in the blue folder. -Due by the following Monday -sight words, math games, math facts, writing Read every night: 15+ minutes Child reads to adult Adult reads to child Child/Adult read together Return blue folders on Wednesday
PAWS Classroom Management “Check your PAWS!” Whole Class Kodiak Compliments Star Jar (Class Pizza Party) Individual Kodiak Compliments Notes or phone calls home “Check your PAWS!”
Birthdays You may send birthday treats to school. Please send enough treats for all students. Please include napkins. Birthday party invitations can not be handed out in the classroom or sent home in the blue folders. PEANUT FREE CLASSROOM
Snack 10-15 minutes (in our classroom) NO PEANUTS OR PEANUT BUTTER Water only (water bottles are OK) Easy to eat, open, clean-up No candy, sugary snacks No community snacks Please only send snacks for your child
Volunteers Please complete the Volunteer Form if you are interested in volunteering in our classroom. Volunteer Needs: Prep work Science Small Groups (reading, math facts) Tuesday folders Party Coordinator (Valentine’s Day, Gingerbread Houses, End of Year Party) All volunteers must complete and submit Washington State Patrol paperwork.
A few more things… Scholastic News Magazines (PTA funded) Dreambox (home, classroom) Book Orders Place orders and pay online using class code Checks?? Scholastic Digital Citizenship (commonsense.org) Intro to coding (code.org)
Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night! Please email me if you have questions about our classroom. We are a Peanut Free classroom. Read every night! Come visit, volunteer and watch us grow!
Communication kristen.hesselgesser@rentonschools.us Kennydale Phone Number: 425-204-4700 Blue Communication Folder Website PTA monthly newsletter email