The Special Olympics powerpoint template Some tips on creating your own template and great presentations.
Special Olympics NC Young Athletes™ Sherry Paul SONC Volunteer YAP Sport Development Team Director Kerry Hagner SONC Athlete Council
What is the Young Athletes Program? Young Athletes Program (YAP) is an: Innovative developmentally appropriate play program for children aged 2 – 7 year old Helps develop motor, social and cognitive skills, even school readiness Versatile program that can work in various inclusive settings from schools, community programs, to home The great thing about Young Athletes: is it already an inclusive program!
Young Athletes Curriculum Expands on the existing YA Activity Guide Defined, but adaptable curriculum Designed to be implemented 3 days a week Each sessions lasts 30 minutes Violet and Anya
Online Resources Curriculum Guide Weekly notes to send home with children encouraging parents to work on skills at home All letters and forms for parents
Head Start Programs Programs are in most every community Programs are inclusive by nature Eager for physical activity and health related programs
Parks & Recreation Department Collaboration Ready made program with all equipment and resources provided Designed for all pre-school age children, a population that is sometimes underserved Easily incorporated into community recreation center programs or special populations programs Adds to departments inclusive programming
New Families! Some parents are willing to lead the program Encourages new families to get involved at an early age Some parents are willing to lead the program Opens the door for families into the big world of Special Olympics program/ Contact Information Young Athletes Program: program/ Special Olympics North Carolina Contacts