European Nations Settle North America
Further Exploration Cabot (England) explores area around Newfoundland Cartier (France) explores St. Lawrence R. Hudson (Netherlands) finds Hudson Bay while looking for the “northwest passage”
The French New France 1608 Samuel Champlain Founds Quebec – base of New France
French Colonies Goals: Priests spread Christianity / convert the Native Americans Young, single men engaged in fur trade More interested in making $$ than occupying territory Established for fur trade * Not a big desire to build towns or raise families No large colonies Mostly single men buying, selling, and trapping beaver (brown gold)
The Dutch New Netherland (1609) Henry Hudson Fur trade with Iroquois Welcomed a variety of people to attract colonists
Dutch Colonies Surrender land to English 1664, the English drive out the Dutch (“Dutch Wedge”) Re-name the colony New York By 1750, 1.2 million English live in the 13 colonies
The English First attempt: Roanoke Island, 1585 Failure Jamestown is next!
English Colonies Jamestown funded by joint-stock companies Pilgrims/Puritans seek religious freedom at Plymouth/ Massachusetts Bay Many early difficulties Less land than French but more people (Settlement)
Jamestown (1607) Jamestown (1607) Named after King James I Coast of Virginia Too interested in gold than food 7 of 10 died in first few years
Jamestown Fort & Settlement Map Geographic/environmental problems??
The English Plymouth Bay Pilgrims Super strict separatists Seek religious freedom Massachusetts Bay Puritans Want to build a model community and purify the Anglican Church
Relationships with Native Americans Trade with French and Dutch Hostility with English settlers - wars
Population of the New England Colonies Time for a new labor source?
England Battles France With the Dutch defeated, the French and English remain The French and Indian War (1754-1763) French and Native Americans vs. British and Native Americans British become the dominant power in North America!!!