Dr. Amber Reed, School of Educational Leadership You Mean It’s not the same as elementary? Tools & Strategies for Benchmarking Quality in Early Childhood Settings Dr. Amber Reed, School of Educational Leadership
Elementary & early childhood Classroom Management Content Pedagogy Assessment Family engagement environment
Quality components Parents as first teachers early childhood educators Environment as third teacher
Quality Rating Systems (QRIS) Paths to Quality http://childcareindiana.org Child care resource & referral (ccr&r) http://www.iaccrr.org/default.cfm?page= find-my-local-agency NAEYC standards for high-quality programs https://families.naeyc.org/accredited- article/10-naeyc-program-standards#1
Early Learning Foundations Developmentally appropriate practices from infant-age 5 English/language arts Mathematics Social emotional Approaches to play and learning Science Social studies Creative arts Physical health & growth https://www.doe.in.gov/earlylearning
Environment Quality outdoor play spaces http://www.naeyc.org/yc/files/yc/file/2 01411/YC1114_Quality_Outdoor_Play_Spac es_Wright.pdf Designing quality indoor spaces
Environmental rating scales Standardized assessments aligning to Paths to quality & naeyc standards Infant/toddler (iters-R) Early childhood (ecers-3) Space & furnishings Personal care routines Listening & talking Activities Interaction Program structure Parents & staff Space & furnishings Personal care routines Language & literacy Learning activities Interaction Program structure
Professional development NAEYC Standards https://www.naeyc.org/ncate/standards IACCRR http://www.iaccrr.org/default.cfm FSSA https://www.in.gov/fssa/2552.htm IAEYC http://secure.iaeyc.org/ Early learning indiana https://www.earlylearningin.org/ BAM! Radio network http://www.bamradionetwork.com/