Using Logic Models in Program Planning and Grant Proposals The Covenant Foundation
Goals of this Presentation Introduce the concept of a logic model and show its use in program planning and grant proposals Describe the components of a well-designed program plan Present a model that is aligned with Covenant Foundation grant proposals
What is a Logic Model? A logic model... is a simplified picture of a program, initiative, or intervention shows the logical relationships among the resources that are invested, the activities that take place, and the benefits or changes that result is the core of program planning, evaluation, program management and communications
Why Use a Logic Model? A logic model can: Make underlying beliefs explicit Build understanding and promote consensus about what a program is and how it will work Bring detail to broad goals Help to identify gaps in program logic and clarify assumptions so success is more likely Summarize complex programs to communicate with stakeholders, funders, and other audiences
Basic Logic Model Program Theory Program Design Need Context Assump- tions Program Theory Program Design Outputs Outcomes (Short and Long Term) Inputs Activities Resources Invested: Time Staff Volunteers Money Facilities Supplies Technology Partners Networks How Resources Are Used: Deliver services Conduct classes/ workshops Develop curricula/ materials Evidence of Service Delivery: Number of programs Participation rates Hours of services Amount of materials distributed Measurable Changes In: Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations Behaviors Practice Decision making Other Models Planned Work Intended Results
Planned Work: Inputs Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes (Short and Long Term) Inputs: the resources and contributions that go into the project, including: staff and volunteers time facilities supplies funding existing organizations potential collaborating partners existing organizational or interpersonal networks
Planned Work: Activities Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes (Short and Long Term) Activities: the processes, events, and actions of the program, including: services: classes events training counseling materials development: curricula other educational materials
Intended Results: Outputs Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes (Short and Long Term) Outputs: the direct results of program activities, including: number of classes taught, or workshops or meetings held program participation rates hours of services provided amount of materials produced and distributed
Intended Results: Outcomes Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes (Short and Long Term) Outcomes: the resulting benefits for individuals, families, groups, or communities, such as changes in: skills knowledge behavior motivations satisfaction levels Outcomes should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, Timed
Program Theory Need Context Assump- tions Other Models The Statement of Need: A clear succinct statement that describes: the situation or challenge to be addressed; the cause of the situation; and those effected by it. Context: The factors in the external environment, both barriers and supports, that will impact your ability to address the targeted need in your institution/community. Assumptions: Beliefs about the need or situation; the behavior, motivations, and learning styles of the target population; the external and internal environments; and what the program can reasonably achieve. Assumptions explain why you believe your program will succeed. Other Models: Approaches to addressing the need that have been tried by you or others, and whose successes and/or failures you are now drawing upon for your planning. Need Context Assump- tions Other Models
Using Logic Models in Program Planning: “Plan Backwards, Implement Forward” Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes What resources will you need to engage in these activities at the level and amount required to achieve your outcomes? What activities will you need to engage in to provide these services/ activities? What level and amount of services/ activities will we need to provide to achieve these outcomes? What are our ultimate goals? Based on your work: What changes do we hope to see in individuals? families? the community?...
Sources and Resources W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide The University of Wisconsin Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models (web-based course) National Science Foundation On-Line Evaluation Resources Library
Covenant Foundation Full Proposal Budget
Using the Budget Template Expenses Personnel, Supplies, Other Project Budget and Request to Foundation Revenue In-Kind Other Grants Program Fees Other (i.e. individual contributions) Simply enter numbers. Formulas are already set.
Budget Guidelines Personnel Focus on expenses directly related to the proposed program No overhead
Financial Statement Form Revenue Contributions Fees and Dues Grants Earned Income Other Expenses Personnel Professional Fees Occupancy Costs/Rent Travel and Meetings Supplies and Equipment Communications Other Other non-recurring expenses (i.e. capital expense) **This form corresponds to the most recent completed fiscal year.
Audited Financial Statements Preferred: Copy of the most recent audited financial statements. If audited financials are not available, then submit a copy of the most recent unaudited financial statements. If neither are available, please contact a Foundation staff member who can discuss special circumstances, including: New Organizations Fiscal Sponsors Etc.