Review: Java GUI Programming R.E. Johnson, Frameworks=(Components + Patterns), CACM, 4(10):39-42, October 1997. J. Elliott, et al., Java Swing, 2nd edition, O’Reilly, 2002.
Outline Frameworks MVC model Elements of GUI frameworks GUI components (views and widgets) Layout managers Handling events Lab: Timer applet
Object-Oriented Framework A set of cooperating (abstract) classes and interface that: Represent reusable designs of software systems in a particular application domain, Provide semi-complete applications that can be specialized to produce custom applications, and Defines conventions for extending the abstract classes, implementing the interfaces, and allowing their instances to interact with one another
Examples GUI Small Network/Distributed/Web Applets, … AWT, Swing, SWT (Eclipse) MFC, … Network/Distributed/Web RMI, J2EE, CORBA, Drupal (PHP), …
Why Frameworks? Benefits To support reuse of design and implementations in particular application domains Benefits Quick and easy application development Reliable application (i.e., high confidence) Standardized applications
Characteristics of Frameworks Extensibility Inversion of control Design patterns as building blocks Code written by programmer Library code Application (master) Component (slave) Library-based Framework code Code written by programmer Framework-based
Outline Frameworks MVC model Elements of GUI frameworks GUI components (views and widgets) Layout managers Handling events Lab: Timer applet
GUI Framework in General MVC metaphor for separation of concerns Event-based, implicit invocation style Single vs. multithreading
MVC Metaphor A way of cleanly breaking an application into three parts Model for maintaining data, View for displaying all or a portion of the data, and Controller for handling events that affect the model or views. View Controller Model
Separating M from VC View Controller Model changes get data from model changes model or view View Controller Model update view when data changes
Due to Separation … Multiple views and controllers for models. New views and controllers can be added for the model. Changes in views are localized; such changes have minimal or no impact on the model.
Outline Frameworks MVC model Elements of GUI frameworks GUI components (views and widgets) Layout managers Handling events Lab: Timer applet
GUI Framework Classes GUI components (views and widgets) JButton, JLabel, JTextField, JPanel, … Layout managers FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridBagLayout, … Events and event listeners ActionEvent, ActionListener, … Graphics, imaging, and other multimedia classes
Event Handling Mechanism to write control code Composed of: Event Event source Event listener (or handler)
Event Handling (Cont.) Event Event source A way for GUI components to communicate with the rest of application Implemented as event classes (e.g., ActionEvent) Event source Components generating events Examples: buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, etc.
Event Handling (Cont.) Event listener (or handler) Objects that receives and processes events Must implement an appropriate listener interface Must inform the source its interest in handling a certain type of events (by registering) May listen to several sources and different types of events
Example // create a button JButton button = new JButton(“Start”); // register an action listener button.addActionListener(new StartButtonActionListener()); // Action listener class class StartButtonActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // handle the event e … System.out.println(“Start button pressed!”); }
Using Anonymous Class // create a button JButton button = new JButton(“Start”); // register an action listener button.addActionListener(new ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // handle the event e … System.out.println(“Start button pressed!”); } });
Using Lambda Notation (Java 8) // create a button JButton button = new JButton(“Start”); // register an action listener button.addActionListener(e -> { // handle the event e … System.out.println(“Start button pressed!”); });
Example (Cont.) b: JButton h: ActionListener addActionListener(h) <<create>> e: ActionEvent actionPerformed(e) Observer design pattern getSource()
Lab (Pair): Timer Applet Write a timer applet incrementally (see handout) Use MVC by defining a model class, say TimerModel. init destroy start stop Applet lifecycle public class TimerApplet extends JApplet { private final TimerModel timerModel = new TimerModel(); public void init() { /* configure UI. */ } }