Real quick, just to understand the audience, how many of you: Know a programming language? Have worked with some form of web or application development before? Know Object Oriented Programming? Won’t rely on the powerpoint too much
Mobile Development…
What’s up with that? Source: Google Image Search of ‘Confused Dog’
What’s up with that? Source: Google Image Search of ‘Smart Puppy’
Welcome! Who am I? What is Girl Develop It? Gurtej Singh iOS Software Engineer Technology Director, Hip Hop University SwiftCLT Meetup Organizer What is Girl Develop It?
Some “Rules” Survey of a broad topic, mostly on native dev No code will be written today Questions always welcome Relaxed and Informal Discussion, Presentation should be used to get a sense of what you’d like to know more about
Why Women in Mobile Dev?
Why Mobile Dev? iOS and Android brief platform overview, Apple vs Google
Why Women in Mobile Dev? Diversity in Tech and Digital Inclusion Mobile technology is visible Breaks down barriers for all
Web vs. Mobile Dev Basic Terminology Programming Languages Swift for iOS, Java for Android Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) Xcode for iOS, Android Studio for Android Testing & Debugging App Store Submissions IDEs: Quick word on Windows vs. Mac for development Testing & Debugging: Android has Firebase Test Lab but more device fragmentation App Store Submissions: Google Play Developer Console has no real app review process but takes much quicker to get to production
RESTful Web Services REST = Representational state transfer RESTful Web Services conform to the REST architecture (Client-Server, Stateless, Cacheable, Layered system, Uniform Interface) RESTful API, send an HTTP request to URL (GET, POST, etc), and wait for something to return
Relevant Design Patterns Singleton iOS: Key Value Observing (KVO) and Delegation Model View Controller (MVC) Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Source: Wikimedia
Teams Involved Software Engineers for UI and Services (Devs) Project Managers & Business Analysts (PMs & BAs) Quality Assurance (QAs) User Experience (UX) Singleton example: The database connection
Considerations in Mobile Development Screen Size, Orientation, Universal Apps Touch-Based Interactions Visual Layouts and Constraints iOS Storyboard and Android Layout Editor App Store Reviews Users’ Limited Attention
Advanced Considerations Security & Permissions Battery Life Memory Leaks Notifications Animation Binary App Size Threading & Concurrency Wearables iOS/Android Multitasking State Preservation Use of Hardware
Okay… So what’s the best choice between Android and iOS development?
Hybrid Solutions Xamarin Cordova React Native
A Sample of Women I Follow Natasha Murashev, @natashatherobot Erica Sadun, @ericasadun Ayaka Nonaka, @ayanonagon Jessie Char, @jessiechar Kristina Thai, @kristinathai
Wrapping Up Additional Resources Stack Overflow Wikipedia Twitter Apple/Google Developer Guides Big Nerd Ranch Twitter @gtjsingh: SwiftCLT Meetup: Mon 9/26 6pm at OMB Special Thanks! Q&A