DoD Practical Challenges Additive Manufacturing Maintenance & Sustainment WG Face to Face Meeting DoD Practical Challenges Greg Kilchenstein ODASD (Maintenance) 19 Nov 2015
DoD Challenge Our Challenge: Integrate and leverage all the relevant perspectives and on-going activities into a cohesive AM strategy and tactics for the M&S community Work collaboratively across many boundaries Bring the M&S COI into the AM conversation Provide a M&S focal point for the many AM stakeholder groups M&S provide common inputs – “Speak with one voice” Influence AM investment resource allocations for appropriate M&S COI prioritization Keep M&S “customer” front and center in the AM revolution
Systems Supported by DoD Maintenance 884 strategic missiles + 356,385 tactical vehicles + Communications/electronics equipment + Support equipment + Other systems 237 ships 35,135 combat vehicles 14,444 aircraft Maintained by: 629,000 DoD personnel Private-sector companies Maintenance cost: $74.8 billion Sustainment Cost: $200 billion Nearly 30% of DoD Budget
Current Environment Unprecedented budget pressures Continued high OPTEMPO Geographically dispersed operations Older weapon systems & parts obsolescence Very long delays for limited production parts. Lack of commercial interest in low volume complex fabrication work and significant delays in contracting and workflow. Organic depots are increasingly making parts to combat these challenges. Newer weapon systems increasingly complex Include AM parts Rapidly evolving industrial base
Digital Thread/AM Challenges AM part is currently a production lot of one Lack of standards (materials, process, machine, and quality) Proliferation of multiple technologies Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) & Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Stereo Lithography Apparatus (SLA) Qualification and certification protocols Lack of comprehensive set of design principles Lack of manufacturing guidelines No standard best practices Workforce focused on traditional processes Protecting intellectual property rights Security and safety controls
What We Must Do Take control – map our future Benchmark success Crawl, Walk, Run Benchmark success Develop the AM workforce – all levels Enterprise approach to implementation Advance our digital competency Develop and adopt AM standards Standardize qualification and certification Maximize value of available resources Partner and collaborate – its imperative!!!
Collaborate to Innovate Collaborate and Join forces AM for Maintenance Operations (AMMO) Working Group RARE – Rapid Access to Readiness Essential Parts America Makes M&S WG Digital Mfg and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII) Joint Defense Mfg Technology Panel (JDMTP) Standards Working Group @ PSU QUALITY MADE Initiative Digital Engineering Working Groups - OSD(SE) & Navy Showcases and Forums
AMMO WG Overview The overarching goal of the AMMO WG is to promote the development and adoption of AM capabilities which support DoD’s maintenance mission – “Sustaining materiel readiness at best cost” Facilitate the development of OSD guidance regarding AM technology deployment within the DoD maintenance enterprise Facilitate the collaborative development and employment of AM technology on a continuing basis Standardize policy and procedures Leverage COTS technology Capitalize on best business practices
AMMO WG Objectives for 2016 Improve the Way We Share Information Monthly Forums Win a Proposal – Execute as a Team Standup & Use AMMO WG Website Open Area Working Area (Closed) Links to other AM Sites DoD Level AM Policy/Guidance Development MIBP / OSD(R&E) / SE Mil Service Components GAO Report Develop Content for DAU Level Courses Continuous Learning Modules Integrate into Logistics Acquisition Cycle
Monthly Forum Standard Agenda Welcome and Overview - Greg Kilchenstein (OSD-MPP) Old Business (Review actions, meetings, and status’ since last meeting) – Debbie Lilu 1-2 Briefs on a Selected AM or Digital Engineering Focus Area – Greg K. Intro Speakers Service Rotation Briefs – (AMMO Principals) AM and DE Proposal Opportunities – Debbie Lilu Success Stories / Current Events / New Business – Debbie Lilu Wrap Up – Greg Kilchenstein & AMMO Principals
Calendar of AMMO Focus Areas Brainstorm Possible Monthly Focus Topics Some Suggestions: Qualification and Certification protocols AM Technology Descriptions Workforce Training Available AM Standards, Standards in Development Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Cybersecurity Issues Knowledge Base Development & Data Access Overview of AM Initiatives DoD Organically available AM Capabilities Additive Repair Capabilities and Successes AM Partnerships and Partnering Best Practices