Interactive Notebook Notes 6 Kingdoms Interactive Notebook Notes Take out your journals and turn to the chart we started for the 6 Kingdoms
Kingdom Archaebacteria Live in harsh, extreme environments like hot springs, deep ocean vents. Unicellular Autotrophic or Heterotrophic Decomposers Asexual reproduction – binary fission Prokaryotic Ex: Extremophiles, Thermophiles, Methanogens, Halophiles Domain: Archae
Kingdom Eubacteria Found everywhere! Unicellular Autotrophic or Heterotrophic Asexual Reproduction, Binary Fission Prokaryotic Decomposers Ex: Streptococcus, Bacillus, Cell wall made out of peptidoglycan Domain Bacteria
Protista Found in swamps, wet environments, ponds Unicellular or multicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic Can be decomposers Some have cell walls Asexual Eukaryotic Ex: Amoeba, paramecium, euglena, plankton, algae Domain: Eukarya
Fungi Found everywhere – they like moist environments Multicellular (mushroom) unicellular (yeast) Heterotroph – absorbs nutrients – extracellular digestion Asexual and sexual Cell wall made of chitin Ex: mushroom, mold, mildew, yeast Eukaryotic Domain: Eukarya
Plantae Found everywhere Multicellular Autotrophic – photosynthesis Asexual or sexual Cell wall made of cellulose Eukaryotic Ex: plants, trees, bush, flower, moss Domain: Eukarya
Animalia Aquatic / Terrestrial Multicellular Heterotrophic Sexual – gametes egg / sperm No cell wall Eukaryotic Ex: humans, birds, fish, cat, etc. Domain: Eukarya