Estates Environment Team INTRODUCTION Facts Best University in Scotland 2006 6,808 students (UG &PG) 1,884 staff £106.3M annual turnover (05-06) 180 buildings with 200,000 m2 gross floor area Major employer in the area Estates Environment Team Roddy Yarr – Environment and Energy Manager Susan Horsman – Environment Officer David Stutchfield – Energy Officer Sustainability Community & Social Issues Community liaison Education Diversity Environment Waste Energy Transport Economic Funding Jobs Investment
STRATEGY AND GOVERNANCE University Court Planning and Resources Committee Environment Task Group Travel and Parking Group Changing Behaviour Group Sub-groups Tree and Frog E & E Sustainability Policy Sustainable Development Strategy Objectives and Targets Performance monitoring and reporting to Court budget performance progress by aspect annual target performance future targets approval high risk areas
Changing behaviour KEY ASPECTS Environmental management and compliance Waste Resource Use Travel and Parking Utilities Biodiversity Changing behaviour
REPORTING PERFORMANCE - NOW Based on Global Reporting Index / DEFRA / Internal Discussion Annual report plus quarterly performance updates to Environment Task Group and Changing Behaviour Group Environment indicators Legislative e.g. emissions to air, land, water Policy and best practice e.g. % waste to landfill; % recycled; travel data; procurement Economic indicators e.g. Utilities spend (electricity, gas, water); Waste costs
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASPECT 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 Figure 1 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Figure 1 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASPECT 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 ENVIRONMENT COMPLIANCE Number of prosecutions or enforcement notices UTILITIES Energy Costs - Residences all fuels (£) £599,883 £1,021,026 - Schools and Units – all fuels (£) £969,557 £2,188,298 Total – all fuels (£) £1,289,583 £1,569,440 £3,209,324 Energy Consumption Residences Elec (kWh) 5,013,311 5,776,713 Residences Gas (kWh) 25,542,982 24,604,494 Schools and Units Elec (kWh) 15,507,023 16,474,355 Schools and Units Gas (kWh) 23,736,358 25,557,994 Total – all fuels (kWh) 65,435,883 70,094,297 72,413,556 Total kWh per m2 (kWh) 139 144 Energy Emissions (tonnes CO2) Oil emissions 74 Gas emissions 9,315 9,560 9,531 Electricity emissions 4,939 6,177 6,698 Total (tonnes CO2) 14,254 15,810 16,228 Water and Sewerage Total water consumption (m3) 294,788 206,578 193,251 Water/Sewerage costs (£) £296,458 £359,423 £362,144
RESOURCE USE AND PROCUREMENT 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 Figure 1 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE USE AND PROCUREMENT 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 % of projects over EU threshold with social and/or environmental criteria 50% WASTE Waste to landfill (tonnes) 1,020 1,137 Waste Recycled (tonnes) 180 314 Total waste arisings (tonnes) 1,200 1,451 % waste to landfill 85% 78% % waste recycled 15% 22% TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT Car park spaces 1,339 1,294 1,290 Bicycle parking spaces 1,121 1,151 1,211 Travel patterns (modal shift) % staff travelling to work by car alone 55% 46% % staff travelling to work by car (with others) 17% 23% % staff travelling to work by bus 5% 6% % staff travelling to work by bicycle 8% % staff travelling to work on foot 14% % staff travelling to work other 1% % students with cars at University 21% Number of students with cars 1,350 1,262 BIODIVERSITY Area of land under biodiversity management (ha) 2.4
REPORTING - FUTURE Future indicators – potential wider scope to fully incorporate performance data, for example: Carbon footprint and carbon neutrality Travel business miles Biodiversity species inventory Financial and ethical performance Staff aspects accident statistics staff training Security theft vandalism
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