Angela Pacheco Trimble County High School Science Department May 14th, 2013 Angela Pacheco Trimble County High School Science Department
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out review packet Semester exam review Today’s agenda Units for Semester exam Starter: get out review packet Semester exam review Ch. 8: Energy Ch. 9: Circular Motion Chs. 12 and 13: Universal Gravitation
Astronomy Starter: get Contact log; we need to pass back papers! “Contact” with response logs Juniors: do you want to miss a movie day or a review day? (We’ll do “review game” on Thursday.) Hmwk due Thursday: Planet Comparison grid Final exam (for everyone): Friday, May 17th Saturn-gazing tonight! Meet at the school at 9:30
Astronomy units for semester 2 exam Life in the Universe Spring Stargazing Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus/Neptune Dwarf planets – will get back later
3rd Period Chemistry Starter: turn in hmwk; get out 12-3 practice problems Hess’s Law practice problems #10 Finish guided notes: 12-4 12-4 practice problems Thursday: Ch. 12 quiz Semester exam: seniors – Friday: underclassmen – next Wednesday
Advanced Physics Starter: get out review packet Daily Units for semester exam Starter: get out review packet Continue semester exam review Jordan/Dylan: you’ll present on Wednesday, while juniors are testing Semester exam for all: Thursday 6.3 7.1 (Equilibrium and Horizontal Motion) 7.2 (Projectile Motion at an Angle) 7.3 8.1 8.2
5th Period Chemistry Starter: turn in hmwk; get out 12.3 review wkst Calculations on 12.3 review wkst Finish 12.4 guided notes 12.4 practice problems Tomorrow: Ch. 12 quiz Semester exam: a week from Wednesday
AP Chemistry Starter: pick up lab sheet Lab: Silver Flask Project research Presentations due by Thursday, May 16th Chem days: T and Th