National Funding Formula Update and Response 9th March 2017
What difference will the NFF make to Cheshire East schools? Under the proposed National Funding Formula, the total budget for Cheshire East schools will reduce by £4.1 million (2.1%). As a result, 131 schools will see a reduction in budget with only 15 schools receiving an increased budget. Cheshire East – England’s 6th most poorly funded LA in 2014/15 (per pupil)
Total weighting given by local authorities in 2016-17 Factor Total weighting given by local authorities in 2016-17 Proposed weighting for the national funding formula Basic per-pupil funding 76.6% 72.5% Deprivation Current FSM 7.6% 9.3% Ever6 FSM IDACI A IDACI B IDACI C IDACI D IDACI E IDACI F Low prior attainment 4.3% 7.5% English as an additional language 0.9% 1.2% Mobility 0.1% Lump sum 8.2% 7.1% Sparsity 0.05% 0.08% Premises Rates 1.8% PFI Split sites Exceptional circumstances Growth 0.5%
https://consult. education. gov
1. In designing our national funding formula, we have taken careful steps to balance the principles of fairness and stability. Do you think we have struck the right balance? NO: In order to provide a broad & balanced curriculum and opportunities for all children and learners, there is a minimum amount of funding required for Primary and Secondary schools. This formula does not take in to consideration what the minimum funding required is to run a school efficiently and effectively.
2. Do you support our proposal to set the primary to secondary ratio in line with the current national average? Proposed ratio is 1:1.29 meaning secondary schools receive on average 29% more per pupil than primary schools.
Do you support our proposal to maximise pupil-led funding? No - you should keep the balance between pupil-led and school-led funding in line with the current national average By significantly reducing the Age Weighted Pupil Unit (from 76.6% to 72.5%), some schools will see their budgets reduced below a level required to provide the basic education to which all children are entitled.
4. Within the total pupil-led funding, do you support our proposal to increase the proportion allocated to the additional needs factors? No – allocate a lower proportion to additional needs The AWPU needs to reflect the minimum funding necessary to provide a basic education. If additional needs are to be further funded than currently, this should be additional funding and not at the expense of basic school funding.
Other Qs – suggested responses: 5A,B,C,D Other Qs – suggested responses: 5A,B,C,D No, allocate a lower proportion
Other details Demonstration in Nantwich – 27th February A protest march organised – from Sandbach School on the 18th March at 11am Sign a petition to demand a parliamentary discussion: