Día 3: ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Talking about what you like to do!
Infinitive Verbs As you know in English, verbs are words that describe a specific action or state of being.
Infinitive Verbs In English, we have what’s called an infinitive verb. An infinitive verb is simply any verb with the word “to” in front of it.
Examples of infinitive verbs To run To walk To dance To sweat To cry To drink To laugh To scream To go To think To believe To die To throw To break To try To fly To shake To create To speak To feel To eat To swim To steal To hug To play To draw To listen To write And so on…
Spanish Infinitive Verbs In Spanish, infinitive verbs end in AR, ER, or IR In Spanish, these verbs have the “to” already in them. Infinitive verbs do not need always a word in front of them like they do in English (to).
Spanish Infinitive Verbs Cantar- To sing Correr- To run Bailar- To dance Leer- To read Dibujar- To draw Ver- To watch Montar-To ride Escribir- To write Jugar- To play Ir- To go The definition of each verb has “to” in it. TO + Verb
Using Infinitive Verbs A great time to use infinitive verbs is when you are explaining what you like and don’t like! To say what you like, just use… ME GUSTA + INFINITIVE VERB OR NO ME GUSTA + INFINITVE VERB
Me gusta bailar. (I like to dance) Examples Me gusta bailar. (I like to dance) Infinitive verb No me gusta cantar. (I do not like to sing) Infinitive verb
To say you like multiple things Just put the word “y” in between the verbs. Me gusta bailar y cantar. Me gusta dibujar y correr. I like to dance and to sing. I like to draw and to run.
¡Me encanta! To say you LOVE something, you can use… Me encanta + Infinitive verb OR No me encanta + Infinitive verb
Examples Me encanta jugar videojuegos. No me encanta leer revistas. I love to play videogames. No me encanta leer revistas. I don’t love to read magazines.
When you don’t like more than one thing You put the word ni before and after each item. For example… No me gusta ni ver la tele ni hablar por teléfono *I don’t like to watch television nor talk on the phone
Tarea Write 3 sentences explaining what you like to do and 3 sentences saying what you don’t like to do. One of the sentences should have ni…..ni…. One of the sentences should have “y”