Forms of Government CHV20
What is a government? Make and enforce decisions that affect conduct within the group The governing body of a nation, state, or community. The system by which a nation, state, or community is governed
Dictatorship -government that has seized power by force (often through military coup) -power in the hands of one individual -leader can make quick decisions (does not worry about being re-elected) -the leader does not always act in the best interest of its’ people
Drawbacks Limited individual rights Usually dependent on support of military No debate or discussion Dependent on single individual No free press; no opposition parties People’s opinions are ignored Any laws can be created Ideas are limited to one person
Benefits Organized and controlled Efficient (sometimes ruthlessly so) No public protests, riots United (people may be loyal since there is no competition)
Examples Castro's Cuba Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Franco's Spain North Korea
Monarchy -government by a single ruler (king/queen, emperor) -inherited power -decision-making is mostly by the ruler rather than the people -no protection for the people for corrupt rulers
Note: There are 2 types of monarchies: Constitutional Monarchy: The ruler is the head of state but his/her power is symbolic. The parliament/prime minister makes/administers decisions for the country. (Canada) Traditional Monarchy: The ruler is the head of state and makes all the decisions for his/her state.
Drawbacks No criteria (other than birth) for ruling Expensive (pomp and ceremony) Removed from everyday experiences Lack of choice for people Not representative of all society/community
Benefits Stable Controlled Traditional Unifying
Examples Jordan Holland England (also has a parliamentary system)
Oligarchy Government by few persons These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, or military control
Drawbacks Limited access to power Limited rights for people Questionable transition of power Needs of the lower classes are often ignored Similar to dictatorship
Benefits Stable Organized Controlled decision-making can be quick in theory, intelligent people all members work together
Examples Military juntas (government led by military leaders) Family compact (Upper Canada pre-1837) Chateau Clique (Lower Canada pre-1837)
Aristocracy A government in which power is vested in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified (privileged upper class)
Drawbacks Restricted criteria for rule (most often birth in a particular social group) Rule by a limited small group Limited individual rights
Benefits Organized Controlled Efficient
Examples Pre - 1215 England Pre - 1870 Germany
Representative Democracy “Government of the people, by the people, for the people” (Abraham Lincoln) -decision-making is by elected representatives
Drawbacks Takes more time to make decisions More costly Elected Representatives may not support/like the prime minister
Benefits Protects individual rights Input from many sources into government decisions People are the government Peoples voices are heard Elected representatives understand they need to be re-elected Diverse representatives
Examples Canada Costa Rica Japan
Theocracy Government by God government by religious leaders religious laws may replace modern laws
Drawbacks Can lead to conflict Minorities are ignored Extremism: not in accordance with religious doctrine
Benefits Similar ideas Traditions are upheld Leader is usually adored
Examples Vatican City
Anarchy absence of any political authority (government) political disorder and confusion
Drawbacks Standard of living drops Political disorder lawless
Benefits people do not have to disagree or dislike the government (they are on their own)
Examples French Revolution 1789–1799 Somalia since 1991
Communism government owns everything and is shared equally state plans and controls economy distribution of all goods is controlled by the government in theory, everyone is equal (classless society)
Drawbacks possibility of corruption no individuality
Benefits equal similar ideals all resources/property are shared equally
Examples Cuba – Fidel Castro Russia- Stalin, Lenin et Kalinin - Russia
Note: A country can exist under more than one category. Canada is both an example of a monarchy (technically a constitutional monarchy) as well as a democracy.
Ex of Communism: You have two cows Ex of Communism: You have two cows. The government takes both and gives you some milk. Example of Democracy: Everyone has two cows. Each vote and what the majority decides, you must take.