AWAKE proposals for BE/BI


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Presentation transcript:

AWAKE proposals for BE/BI Outline: BI coordinator role AWAKE project background BI resources Different parts of the project Planning Proposed actions Conclusions 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

BI project coordinator role Bi-directional flow of information between project and BI group Technical coordination of BI work (installation and hardware, software and beam commissioning planning) Reach agreements with BI HW/SW experts about implementation details and ensure decisions are followed Ensure functional specifications, design and budget estimates are followed Ensure layout drawings are produced and updated 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project background (experiment) AWAKE general meeting: Important points: P+ beam >100GeV required (only SPS@CERN) Two CERN sites identified: West area and CNGS CNGS favoured due to radiation concerns BI-TB AWAKE TB#1 AWAKE TB#2 Milestones identified: Phase #1 - HWC: Q2 2016 Phase #2 – HWC: Q2 2017 BI asked to detail intermediate steps Collaborations (MPI) Provide plasma-cell and diagnostics AWAKE TB#3 BI asked to identify existing solutions and where studies are required and collaboration is desired Points covered today 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

BI resources Funding: Manpower: Total: 780kCHF 650 kCHF for proton beam 130 kCHF for electron beam Manpower: New fellow in BI/PM to work on spectrometer and BTV (01-Sep-2014) New PJAS in BI/QP to work on BPM electronics Reuse existing detectors, cables, electronics and software (when possible) Some work for dismantling, installation, commissioning 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #1 Single P+ bunches at 450GeV (3E11) SPS -> TT40 -> TT41 TT40 already ok (used for B2/TI8) BPM, BCT, BTV, BLM TT41 BPM electronics for CNGS (10usec batch) needs modifications (PJAS requested) – hope to reuse cables Reuse analogue filters from TT2/TT10? New electronics (TRIC) for BCT Old cables and electronics for BTV and BLM (minor modifications) 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #2 BI detectors upstream of plasma (p+, e-, laser) TT41 (p+) TT43 (e-) Laser TT43 (e-) 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #3 BI detectors downstream of plasma (p+, e-, laser) BTV (P+, e-, laser) BPM (p+ (1, 2), e- (1)) Beam Layout ‘CERN’ Spectrometer + electron-dump Plasma-cell exit Layout ‘MPI’ Beam 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #4 Electron source diagnostics Specified (existing PHIN instruments) 1 BCT at source 3 BPMs for position (1 for phase) 1 multi-slit device for emittance measurements 1 BTV for quad scan 1 BTV for spectrometry (in electron beam-line TT43) 1 Faraday-cup also acting as electron beam dump 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #5 Dedicated electron-beam line Specifications for instrumentation 10 dedicated BPMs (one per quadrupole) 40mm aperture, 100um resolution CTF inductive BPMs believed suitable Options: Reuse CTF devices (10cm long) including acquisition electronics Production of new (20 KCHF each) Analogue front-end electronics require changes (single bunches) (collaboration?) 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

AWAKE project for BI #6 Synchronisation (p+, e-, laser) Light emission appears only choice (streak-camera) Select CCD (beam setup) or streak-camera with motorised flip mirror (CTF solution) Choice of screen material to do to be made What’s believed to be ok (CTF experience): OTR screen for p+ and laser Cerenkov screen for p+ and electrons 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

Planning Latest (short-term): Milestones for BI Dismantling of CNGS equipment for tunnel digging (CE: 22/7) BI/ML: done Tunnel installation of TT41 for phase 1 To be finalised (Q3 2015?) Tunnel installation of TT43 for phase 2 To be finalised (Q3 2016?) 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

Actions Design and test electronics for single p+ and e- BPM in TT41/TT43 BI/QP Q4 2014 (PJAS) Assemble 5 additional BPMs from spares BI/ML Q1 2015 Decide on electronics for ‘critical’ BPMs and request cables/fibres BI/QP Q4 2014 Design and integrate optical line for streak-camera from upstream BTV BI/PM Q4 2014 (new fellow) Study screen material for p+, e- and laser Organise BI visit to CNGS areas to identify racks and cables/fibres L. Jensen (Q3 2014) Organise MPI visit to BI (streak-camera ++) L. Jensen (August 2014) CERN decision to stop CTF (at least CLEX) by end of 2016 Rhodri & Edda via BE/EN DH’s 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW

Conclusions Reuse existing detectors, cables and electronics for majority of BI systems Some parts to be entered into work-planning (after LS1) (staff, FSU) Additional manpower for BPM and BTV systems agreed Fellow in PM PJAS in QP 10/07/2014 Lars K. Jensen BE/BI/SW