Romans Part IV Lesson 7
Romans 14:1-12 Principle of Liberty Accept the one weak in faith Do not judge Do not regard any brother with contempt We shall all stand before Christ to be judged
Romans 14:13-23 Principle of Love Don’t judge anymore vs. 13 Don’t cause a brother to stumble because of your freedom/liberty vs. 13 Walk in love vs. 15 Don’t hurt a brother vs. 15 Pursue peace and building up vs. 19 Don’t tear down – build up!!!! vs. 19-20
Romans 15 Strong: bear the weaknesses of those without strength…IN THE FAITH 14:1 Please our neighbor for his good and edification, not our own vs. 2 Follow Christ’s example vs. 3
Romans 15:1-13 Christ’s Example: Took the reproach of others on Himself God’s Word has not changed All of it was written for our instruction Learning from Scripture brings perseverance and gives hope vs. 4
Hope “elpis”: hope, desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it. The God of hope means the author and source of hope, not the one who needs hope. Romans 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Paul’s prayer request vs. 5-6 The God – only one Same mind with one another One accord One voice glorify God Voice…..words, speech, language
Romans 15:7-12 Therefore: united in mind and voice Accept one another AS Christ did Accepting one another glorifies God Christ accepted both Jew and Gentile Scriptures were written for our encouragement God is faithful to His Word Jesus also extended mercy to the Gentiles
Hope Encouragement/hope in the Bible – Old Testament and New Testament Hope comes because of God’s mercy In Christ, the Gentiles have hope God is the God of hope and the Giver of hope Believers are to abound in hope because of the Holy Spirit’s power within
Romans 15:14-33 Paul He encouraged the Roman believers He was bold and gracious Wanted his offering of the Gentiles to God to be acceptable and sanctified vs. 16 Desired result: obedient in word and deed Had not preached in Rome yet On his way to Jerusalem to take a gift to the poor Jews
Paul’s Prayer Requests Strive together in prayer for me Rescued from those disobedient in Judea His service for Jerusalem would prove acceptable to the Jewish saints there That he would come to Rome in joy by God’s will Find rest in their company
Application God of Peace be with you Peace brings: Acceptance Love Building up of each other Unity