Kimberly Kuborn Project Report, November 4th, 2016 Patricia Chadwick Fellowship Award: Survey Research and Psychometric Instrumentation in Higher Education Kimberly Kuborn Project Report, November 4th, 2016
So I got my doctoral degree, now what? Professional Development In General The Individual Development Plan (IDP) MET day and night, abiding by a self-made “post-doc” program everywhere in between Creating and sticking to a research agenda Seeking mentoring Networking at conferences So I got my doctoral degree, now what?
Keeping Busy Research Activities Workshops & Enrichment Publishing a part of my dissertation Reviewing instrumentation and revising the alumni learning and career outcomes survey Analyzing data from 2016 survey Focus groups, new qualitative study, IRB, transcription tools, research proposal Research on career centers Taking a statistics course (spring) Survey Research Workshops at Conferences – AERA in April Possible site-visits at graduate level career development centers (spring)
The Final Project Outcome: Sharing What I Learned Survey Research Workshop For Faculty, Staff, and Students Online Repository for MET Faculty and Staff BU & MET Policies and Procedures Survey Research Do’s and Don’ts Resources & References Software Pointers The Final Project Outcome: Sharing What I Learned