Pre-test! What do you know? 1. There are 5 major religions in the world. List them.
Pre-test 2. Which religion does this symbol represent?
Pre-test 3. Which religion preaches karma?
Pre-test 4. Name one of the two religions that believe in reincarnation.
Pre-test 5. What is the difference between monotheistic, polytheistic and atheistic?
Pre-test 6. Which religion bans the consumption of pork?
Pre-test 7. Which religion bans the consumption of beef?
Pre-test 8. What is one function of religion?
Pre-test How did you do?!
Religion an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, practices, and worship that (usually) centers on one or more gods
Functions of Religion Social cohesion – strengthens bonds Can cause conflict Example: ISIS
Functions of Religion Social control – encourages conformity to norms Causes/rids guilt Can prohibit social reform Example: Saudi Arabia
Functions of Religion Emotional support Provides answers to life/death Cope with disappointment/loss
Theism Theism – belief in god(s) monotheism – one God polytheism – multiple gods Ethicalism – belief in morals/principles
Five Major World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Buddhism