News and brief overview of Beamline plans for the next few months


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Presentation transcript:

News and brief overview of Beamline plans for the next few months Vaia Papadimitriou Beamline Technical Board Meeting April 1, 2016

Waiting for CD3-A for the Far Site News Waiting for CD3-A for the Far Site Still limited funding for the Beamline in FY16; Preliminary Design to start in FY18; Have planned for a ramp up in the second half of FY17. In the mean time the scientific collaboration would like to try and implement at day one (if possible) a re-optimized design for better physics reach (similar to where we were in 2012 before the reconfiguration which forced us to reduce costs). Why we can possibly achieve it this time? Additional scientific and engineering effort and more monetary resources. 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

Scope of re-optimization to improve physics reach Target (longer) Horns (three) with different shapes and higher currents than NuMI Integration/mounting of target into horn, baffle mounting, etc. Horn support modules (three) Horn power supply (ies) Remote handling (casks, morgue capacity analysis, workcell,..) Absorber (same footprint or changed footprint) Modeling Developing alternative option of gas in target chase Radiation Protection Conventional Facilities Additional management 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

News Effort plan to achieve new conceptual design by Fy18: in document 1098: ~ $ 2M, ~ 10.4 FTE out of which 6 FTE in engineer/designer Message from Elaine McCluskey on March 22, 2016 related to Beamline re-optimization: 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

High level priorities for FY16: Today’s Goal Our default design points to an air-filled/air-cooled target chase, a helium filled decay pipe which is air-cooled and considering making it nitrogen cooled and a beam window separating the chase form the decay pipe. High level priorities for FY16: Complete corrosion effort Complete air releases work for a longer/wider target chase as decided Today’s goal is to discuss the latest corrosion results and the plan forward with these studies. 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

Target Hall/Decay Pipe Layout ~ 40% of beam power in target chase ~ 30% of beam power in decay pipe 50 TON CRANE DECAY PIPE UPSTREAM WINDOW WORK CELL Cooling panels DECAY PIPE SNOUT Beam Decay Pipe: 194 m long, 4 m in diameter, double – wall carbon steel, helium filled, air-cooled. 5.6 m Target Chase: 2.2 m/2.0 m wide, 34.3 m long air-filled and air & water-cooled (cooling panels). Sufficiently big to fit in alternative target/horns. Main alternatives for gas atmosphere: N2 or He 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News & Plans


Additional resource requirements towards conceptual design These resources will be required in the next 16 months, before the end of July 2017 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

Constructed as Tunneled excavation Beamline for a new Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility MI-10 Extraction, Shallow Beam Beamline Facility contained within Fermilab property ~ 21,000 m2 Primary beam designed to transport high intensity protons (60-120 GeV) to the LBNF target Constructed as Tunneled excavation Constructed in Open Cut All systems designed for 1.2 MW initial proton beam power (PIP-II). Facility is upgradeable to 2.4 MW proton beam power (PIP-III). 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News and Plans

Hadron Absorber Flexible, modular design The Absorber is designed for 2.4 MW ~ 30% of beam power in Absorber 515 kW in central core 225 kw in steel shielding Absorber Hall and Service Building Absorber Cooling Core: water-cooled Shielding: forced air-cooled Flexible, modular design Muon Alcove Core blocks replaceable (each 1 ft thick) Muon Shielding (steel) Beam Beam Sculpted Al (9) Hadron Monitor

LBNF at the Near Site - Schedule Summary Overview Dec-19 CD-2/3c Project Baseline/ Construction Approval Nov-15 CD-1 Refresh Apr-27 CD-4b (early completion) Jan-19 CD-3b Approval CF Preliminary & Final Design Beamline Design Embankment Construction Settlement Period Target Hall The longest path is: embankment design/construction/settlement; TH construction and inst. of components in TH; beamline checkout Primary Beam Enclosure Extraction Enclosure Absorber Hall Decay Pipe Near Detector Hall Beamline Checkout Period FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 Conventional Facilities Activity (DOE) Beamline Complete Beamline Activity (DOE) Near Detector Hall Beneficial Occupancy Primary Beam Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy Conventional Facilities Construction Complete Beamline Activity (DOE and Non-DOE) Absorber Hall Beneficial Occupancy Target Hall Beneficial Occupancy 04.01.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | News & Plans

Beamline Summary Schedule Dec-19 CD-2/3c Project Baseline/ Construction Approval Nov-15 CD-1 Refresh Apr-27 CD-4b (early completion) See next slide Beamline Design - Ready for CD-2 Beamline Final Design Magnets Beamline Component Procurement/Assembly Includes some Non-DOE scope Horns Target Shield Pile Disassemble MI Components Extraction Enclosure (Long Shut Down) Conventional Construction Install New / Existing Components Primary Beam Enclosure The longest path is: embankment design/construction/settlement; TH construction and inst. of components in TH; beamline checkout Upstream of Shield Wall - completed during long shut down Downstream of Shield Wall Target Hall Install Target Shield Pile Remote Handling Commissioning Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Install Horn 1 & 2 and initial Power-up Absorber Hall Absorber Component Installation Remote Handling Commissioning Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Beamline Checkout Period FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 Absorber Hall Beneficial Occupancy Target Hall Beneficial Occupancy Beamline KPP Met Beamline Design Revival Beamline R&D Complete Start MI Long Shut down MI Long Shut down complete Beamline Technical Component Installation Complete Over 3,000 schedule activities Extraction Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy Primary Beam Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy 03.17.16 Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Resource Requirements