How many men were lost in America’s biggest battle?
Antietam: The bloodiest day in American history
1862: Year of victories for the North. Shiloh is a huge strategic win. James river of Virginia is taken. The fall of New Orleans.
Glass half empty, half full for the North. Half hearted attempt to move up the Mississippi. Loss at Second Manassas. (Second Bull Run.) Robert E. Lee always out maneuvering George McClellan.
Confederate army changes the strategy. Summer of 1862, Union Army in confusion. Confederates plan to attack Tennessee, Kentucky, and Maryland at once.
Lee Invades Maryland: Why it’s important to The South. Bring Maryland into the Confederacy. ●Manpower In need of supplies ●Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ●Major railroad
Who done it? Special Orders 191, details of Lee’s plan in Maryland. McClellan knows everything. Lee decides to fight.
Bloody Antietam: How it unfolds. Confederates trying to hold Sharpsburg, Maryland. Many battles within the THE BATTLE.
Bloody Antietam: How it unfolds. Confederates hold this road. At 1:00 P.M. Union takes it. “Bloody Lane.” This bridge doesn’t go to the Union until 3:00. “Burnside’s Bridge”
The deadly results of Antietam Robert E. Lee loses 1/3 of his fighting force. Retreats To Virginia. 25,000 men die on both sides. Bloodiest day in American history.
Consequences of Antietam. First Confederate advance Fails. Maryland kept out of Confederacy. Little hope of foreign back up for The South.