Leadership Body Checking Female, Atom and Below
Rule 6.2 (b) – Body Checking Female, Atom and Below Minor penalty, or at the discretion of the Referee, a major penalty and a Game Misconduct based on the degree of violence of the body check or if an injury results. Must be the result of an intentional act to body check, bump, shove or push an opposing player A body check results when a player changes direction to go in the opposite direction of an opposing player. Body contact must be the result of the movement of the offensive player The problem with the highlighted portion of the rule is that we do not always drop the puck at the offending team’s blue line. Some of the examples are correct according to Hockey Canada interpretation of the rule but can not be justified by the wording of the rule.
Situation 1 - Rule 6.2 (b) –– Body Checking Female, Atom and Below “Angling” or “Closing Off The Boards” Steering or directing an opposing player into the boards Must stay the course - The defensive player has the right to close off the boards in order to force the puck carrier to slow down or towards the middle of the ice. No sudden change in direction by defensive or offensive player
D A Angling Attacking Team Attacking player (blue) carries puck – the defensive player (yellow) angles attacking player along boards. No change of direction – no penalty assessed
Penalty for body checking assessed Changing Direction Attacking Team D A Attacking player (blue) carries puck – the defensive player (yellow) angles attacking player along boards then changes direction into attacking player Penalty for body checking assessed
Situation 1 - Rule 6.2 (b) –– Body Checking Female, Atom and Below Strength on Strength When two (2) players are leaning into one another battling for position and or control of the puck No one player can take advantage of the other If both players are working equally hard to gain position and control of the puck, there should not be a penalty Do not penalize a player because of size difference
Strength on strength is not to be penalized Attacking Team D A Attacking player (blue) and defending player (yellow) work hard to gain position and control of the puck - neither player is taking unfair advantage Strength on strength is not to be penalized
Situation 1 - Rule 6.2 (b) –– Body Checking Female, Atom and Below Boarding By interpretation: Taking more force than what is necessary to separate the puck from the puck carrier Not the right call in female, atom and divisions below The action of boarding is to be communicated as “body checking”.
Situation 1 - Rule 6.2 (b) –– Body Checking Female, Atom and Below Changing Direction Player must stay the course, no sudden change in direction that intentionally administers a body check, bump, push or shove to an opponent This applies to both offensive and defensive players
D A Changing Direction Attacking Team Attacking player (blue) and defending player (yellow) continue on a similar path with no change in direction by the either player No penalty assessed
Penalty for body checking to be assessed Changing Direction Attacking Team D A Attacking player (blue) advances the puck - defending player (yellow) starts along same path but then changes direction into the puck carrier Penalty for body checking to be assessed
Penalty for body checking to be assessed Change in Direction Attacking Team D A Attacking player (blue) advances the puck - defending player (yellow) starts along same path but then changes direction into the puck carrier Penalty for body checking to be assessed
Body Checking vs Body Contact Education Body Checking vs Body Contact Female, Atom and Below Body contact is allowed Body checking is not allowed We must be diligent in educating fans, players, coaches, time keepers on the difference between body contact and body checking As an official, if you hear the penalty announced as “body contact”, take the time to educate the timekeeper Check the score-sheet to ensure the penalty is being recorded properly