Journal question Write down five questions about the natural world in your journal.
Homework p 9 1-5 1. Define life science. Life science is the study of living things and their relationships to each other and to their environment. 2. What benefits can life science provide? Combating disease and protecting the environment.
Homework p9 2-5 Where do life scientists work? What do life scientists study? Life scientists work in laboratories and offices, outdoors, underwater, and in space. Life scientists study anything dealing with living things.
Homework p 9 4-5 Do you agree with the following statement? The information learned by life scientists isn’t very important. Explain your answer. No, living things have a direct impact on the our lives.
P 9 homework Look at the scene below, and list five questions about organisms. See if any of your classmates have the answer.
Objectives Explain the importance of asking questions in life science. Give three reasons why life science is beneficial to living things.
It all starts with a question We ask questions to help understand about the world around us.
In your own backyard Look around the room and what kind of life science questions can you come up with. Touring the world Many different places to live deserts, forest, coral reefs, and tide pools. living things live every where
Who can be a life scientist Anyone can investigate the world around us Women & men Cultural or ethnic backgrounds
Where can life scientist work
What do life scientist study How organisms function and behave. How organisms interact with each other and their environment. How organism reproduce and pass traits from one generation to the next. How organism change over time.
Space Travel Explain the benefit of studying how human body responds to space travel.
Combating Disease Polio is a disease that causes paralysis. Polio infected 1 in every 3000 Americans. Scientist have eradicated polio.
Inherited Diseases Some diseases are passed from parent to offspring Life scientist study genes to find a cure for diseases like cystic fibrosis.
Protecting the Environment Many environmental problems are caused by our misuse and improper disposal of natural resources. Cutting down trees can alter or destroy habitats. Global warming