Your teacher has big ears. What could you call him?


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Presentation transcript:

Your teacher has big ears. What could you call him? Tell me a good manner. Win 2 points Someone in your class calls you a rude name. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4 points Your teacher has big ears. What could you call him? 2 points You chose the wrong behaviour going into the hall. - 5 points You’re in assembly and it’s really boring. Tell me one thing that you could do. 2 points A child is running too fast in the playground and bumps into you. Tell me one thing that you could do. 2 points You’ve had no warnings for 2 weeks. 10 points You’ve got a warning. - 2 points

Your teacher has food on their jumper. What could you say to them? Show me your best smile. Win 2 points You are swinging on your chair and you accidentally rock onto someone’s toe. What can you do to make it better? 4 points Your teacher has food on their jumper. What could you say to them? 2 points Someone has really upset you. Tell me 2 ways that you can calm yourself down. 5 points You threw a pencil. - 2 points It is your worst lesson next. How do you walk into the lesson? 2 points A child that you do not know is crying. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4 points You’ve earnt a sticker for holding a door for an adult. 2 points

Tell me one of the best things that you have ever done. Win 2 points You’ve lost one of your shoes. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4 points Someone in your class says something that isn’t the right answer. What could you do? 2 points You see somebody hit your best friend. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 5 points You hid someone’s things. - 2 points Your teacher won’t let you answer a question, what could you do? 2 points A child in Reception is crying because they can’t read. How could you help them? 4 points You shared your crisps at lunch. 2 points

Tell me the best day you’ve had at school. Win 2 points Tell me how you are feeling today. 4 points Someone blames you for breaking a lunchbox and you know it wasn’t you. What should you do? 2 points You lied. How could correct it? 5 points You interrupted a teacher. - 2 points You think something isn’t fair, how can you challenge it? 2 points Someone is sitting on their own at lunch. Tell me 3 things that you could do. 4 points You played nicely all lunch! 2 points

What’s your favourite game to play with someone else? Win 2 points Tell me how you thing I’m feeling today. 4 points You are writing in your book and someone knocks you. What should you do? 2 points You got mad and hit somebody. What do you do? 5 points You said unkind things to someone. - 2 points Tell me 3 things that you should never do at school. 2 points You’ve not got any food for break time. What could you do? 4 points You came in smiling today. 2 points

What is your favourite subject and why? Win 2 points Tell me how you know you’ve had a good day. 4 points You got sent out. - 4 points Tell me 3 things that you could do to earn a certificate. 2 points You were friendly in PE. 2 points