Recognizing Common PREFIXES Pattern #13 Recognizing Common PREFIXES *A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a sentence; this word part changes the meaning of the root word. *A common prefix is a prefix that appears in many different words. *Recognizing common prefixes and understanding their meanings will help you decode longer words. Prefix Meaning of prefix example in, im, il, ir not; the opposite of im/polite in/ability Il/legal ir/regular un not un/do dis apart from; away dis/belief re to do again re/appear
Recognizing Common Word Parts attached - make it mean not attached - unattached wind – make it mean to wind again - rewind logical - make it mean not logical - illogical aware – make it mean not aware - unaware qualify – make it mean to not qualify - disqualify
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Root words with common suffixes MORE EXAMPLES: