Datalogi II (Computer Science II) Seif Haridi KTH Seif Haridi
Course Web page The teachers Seif Haridi Frej Drejhammar Dragan Havelka Sameh ElAnsary Thomas Sjöland Seif Haridi
Contents Gives a broad introduction to concepts in computer science that is related to computer programming Focus on programming concepts, techniques and models Introduction to programming Declarative programming models Declarative programming techniques Declarative concurrency Encapsulated state Object-oriented programming Concurrency and state Seif Haridi
Emphasis Computer programming as an engineering discipline This is the theory of computer programming How to construct complex systems (how to master complexity) How to reason about different types of systems, correctness and performance How to use the right computing model in the right situation Seif Haridi
The programming system The programming language is Oz, and the system is Mozart Interactive Supports the programming models introduced in the course Mozart requires Unix/Linux or Win2000 Seif Haridi