CONFLICT! *the tension or problem in the story; a struggle between opposing forces.
INTERNAL Individual VS. Self Kerrie decides whether or not to run a red light. Jerry tries to stay on his diet through the holidays. MAKING A CHOICE
EXTERNAL Individual VS. Individual Steven and Mark swim against each other in the quarter finals of the competition. Sandra fights with her mom about her curfew. Superman tries to take down Lex Luther.
EXTERNAL Individual VS. Society President Obama works to convince the country to support his health care bill. Martin Luther King marches for civil rights.
EXTERNAL Individual VS. Nature Sir Edmund Hilary climbs Mount Everest. The firefighters in California battle the wildfires.
EXTERNAL Individual VS. Technology Sarah Connor tries to defeat the Terminator. Jack Bauer tries to disarm the bomb before it goes off. Mrs. Tremonte fights with her computer to upload her file.
EXTERNAL Individual VS. Supernatural Benjamin Button tries to deal with his reverse aging process. Bella falls in love with a vampire who can hurt her.