Why / for whom Art exists?
Why / for whom art exists? We also can pose further questions: Is it a sign of human existence? Is it the special nourishment of our emotional life? Does it color life’s dullness? Is it condensed information?
HUNGARIAN EXPLANATORY DICTIONARY What is art? HUNGARIAN EXPLANATORY DICTIONARY The reflection and appearance of reality, that highlights its essence according to certain aesthetic principles as a form of social consciousness.
What is art? AESTHETIC LEXICON: One of the social activities The word’s „ancient” equivalent – gr. techne, poiesis, and the latin ars
What is art? Aristotel (384-322 BC) It is common in all arts, Greek philosopher, Platon’s apprentice; the tutor of humanity It is common in all arts, That it imitates human’s inner characteristics, „ethos”. According to his value judgement in first place stands music and songpoetry: „musike”, because they directly express human emotions; on second place stands plastic art and painting, That are capable of indirect imitation.
What is art? „…he said it is the task of art, to collect and depict Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 – 43 BC) Roman statesman and writer; /the best speaker on ancient Rome/ „…he said it is the task of art, to collect and depict beautiful things scatterd in nature, Which is equal to ideal imitation.”
What is art? Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (4. BC – 65. AC) Roman poet, writer, stoic philosopher Artistic expression does not serve the developement of human intellect, because it puts emphasis on sensuous beauty, rather than the cognition of truth.
What is art? J. W. Goethe (28.08.1749. - 22.03.1832.) German writer, poet „We do not know of any other world, only the kind that concerns humans; We only want art that is the expression of this connection.”
What is art? The function of art: To lift its receiver over Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860) German irrationalistic philosopher The function of art: To lift its receiver over the misery of everyday existence.
is the aim of the universe: What is art? L. van Beethoven (16.12.1770. - 26.03.1827.) German composer „The aim of art is the aim of the universe: Freedom and progress.”
It is of the same age as our human being. What is art? Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822) English poet Art is the manifestation of humanity’s consciousness, its source is the will to create. It is of the same age as our human being.
What is art? Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822) English poet Art always seeks enitrety, forms known into unknown, to experience the beauty of reality’s cognition.
S C I E N C E Natural sciences Social sciences „Science is a circle consisting of circles.” – Hegel, G.W.F. (1770 – 1831) Natural sciences Social sciences
A R T Shelley, P. B. ( 1792 – 1822 ) Art always seeks entirety, English poet Art always seeks entirety, forms known into unknown, to experience The beauty of reality’s cognition. → Click
What is art? From the every changing world Lessing, Gotthold, Ephraim (1729-1781) German dramatist, poet, aesthete, critic From the every changing world tnly one moment can be conveyed; this is the „productive moment.”
What is art? Lessing, Gotthold, Ephraim (1729-1781) German dramatist, poet, aesthete, critic The aim of art: Is for us to return to our everyday life, enriched by art, and for human passion to be shaped into „virtuous skills”.
What is art? Dénes Zoltai: 1928 - 2008 philosopher, aesthete Art is not the exact imitation of natural reality, but its metaphisical supplement and exceeding, life’s metaphisical glorification.
Beethoven’s two thoughts → on art In 1812 he wrote a letter to one of his piano students, in which he elaborates: „...only art and science can lift humans...” „A true artist cannot be proud, arrogant, as he painfully experiences, that art has no limits. He dimly feels, how far he is from his goal, and while others may admire him, he perceives with sorrow, that he is not there yet, not where his genius shines before him, like the distant sun.”
What is art? „The more frightening this world becomes, Klee, Paul - / 1879 – 1940 / Swiss painter and artistic theorist „Minél riasztóbbá válik ez a világ, annál absztrakabbá válik a művészet;…” „The more frightening this world becomes, the more abstract art becomes; …”