Landforms from lava Lesson 3 part 1
Lava can create landforms Shield Volcanoes Cinder Cone Volcanoes Composite Volcanoes Lava Plateaus Calderas
Shield volcanoes A shield volcano is a wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions
Shield volcanoes Thin layers of lava pour slowly out of a vent and harden on top of previous layers.
Shield volcanoes Hot spots typically form shield volcanoes
Shield volcanoes
Cinder cone volcanoes A cinder cone volcano is a steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano’s opening.
Cinder cone volcanoes Volcanoes whose magma has a high silica content erupt explosively, producing ash, cinders, and bombs.
Cinder cone volcano The ash, cinders, and bombs build up around the vent in a steep, cone-shaped hill.
Cinder cone volcanoes
Composite volcanoes A composite volcano is a tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials.
Composite volcanoes Composite volcanoes are created when the silica content of the magma varies. Sometimes the magma is high in silica and erupts explosively; other times the magma is low in silica and erupts quietly.
Composite volcanoes
Lava Plateaus Lava plateaus are formed when thin, runny lava flows out of several long cracks in an area. The lava travels far before cooling and solidifying. Repeated floods raise the elevation into plateaus.
Lava Plateaus
Calderas A caldera is the large hole at the top of a volcano formed when the roof of a volcano’s magma chamber collapses.
Calderas A lake can form filling the hole.
calderas If the volcano erupts again, a steep-walled cone may form in the middle.