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Presentation transcript:


Biotechnology The use of gene science to create new products from plants and animals 1. 1.

Biotechnology Provides Improved food products Medical advances An enhanced environment 2.

Progress In Agriculture Achievements of dedicated researchers Farmers adopting improved farming practices 3.

What Has Research Given Us? Hybridization Fermentation Pasteurization 4.

Traditional Cross-Breeding 5.

Biotechnology: Tapping Nature’s Bounty 6.

Improved Food Products 7.

Benefits Through Biotechnology Longer shelf life Better taste Enhanced nutritional value 8.

Biotechnology Breakthroughs New food enzyme used during cheese making process Chymosin (1990) First biotechnology food product approved in the United States 9.

Biotechnology Breakthroughs Higher protein peanuts Longer shelf life for bananas and pineapples Sweeter bell peppers Tastier tomatoes Lower fat vegetable oils 10.

Medical Advances 12.

Biotechnology Breakthroughs Insulin (1982) First commercial biotech product Reliable, inexpensive source of insulin Rice Enriched with beta-carotene and iron Bananas Containing edible hepatitis vaccine 13.

Biotechnology Breakthroughs Potatoes with higher solid content Garlic that lowers cholesterol Fruits and vegetables that reduce risks of cancer and heart disease 14.

An Enhanced Environment 15.

Environmental Benefits Reduced pesticide use Lower energy requirements Cleaner water Less soil erosion 16.


Looking Out for United States Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Drug Administration 20.

World Authorities Support Biotechnology American Medical Association American Dietetic Association Institute of Food Technologists World Health Organization Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 21.

The American Society for Microbiology “…plant varieties created with biotechnology are grown more efficiently and economically than traditional crops. This eventually should result in a more nutritious product at less cost to the consumer as well as reduced pesticide use and greater environmental protection.” The American Society for Microbiology 22.

Dr. Patrick Moore Environmental Consultant Co-Founder of Greenpeace “The campaign of fear now being waged against genetic modification is based largely on fantasy and complete lack of respect for science and logic.” Dr. Patrick Moore Environmental Consultant Co-Founder of Greenpeace 23.

“I believe the world will be able to produce the food needed to feed the projected population of about 8.3 billion in the year 2025…but it cannot be attained without permitting the use of technologies now available or without research to further improve and utilize new technologies, including biotechnology and recombinant DNA.” Norman Borlaug, Ph.D. Professor, Texas A&M University Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 1970 24.

“While biotechnology is not a panacea for every nutritional and agricultural problem, it is a powerful tool to increase food production, protect the environment, improve the healthfulness of foods, and produce valuable pharmaceuticals. It should not be rejected…” Michael Jacobson Executive Director Center for Science in the Public Interest 25.

Consumers Say Their Support for Biotechnology Would Increase If Biotechnology... 57% Improves taste of food 65% Improves nutritional value of food 69% Increases food production 73% Reduces pesticide use American Farm Bureau Federation Consumer Poll 18.

Consumer Food Safety Concerns #1 Spoiled food #2 Improper food handling #3 Pesticides #4 Artificial ingredients #5 Biotechnology 19.

Biotechnology Provides Improved food products Medical advances An enhanced environment 27.

Questions? 28.