CBMU Mission Areas Expeditionary Medical Facilities (EMF) Erect and perform camp maintenance of Navy EMFs. NCF Higher Headquarter Support Provide NCF higher headquarters combat service support with an augmentation for camp construction, maintenance and perimeter security. Line Haul Support Provide additional line haul capability, class IV logistics management, and limited intermediate CESE maintenance to a deployed NCF operation. Damage Assessment and Disaster Recovery Perform damage assessment and disaster recovery in support of established Navy and Marine Corps bases. Mobile Diving and Salvage Detachments (MDSU) provides a combat ready, expeditionary warfare capability for rapid deployment as specialized dive teams to conduct combat harbor clearance, underwater emergency repair, and salvage operations in any environment. Operational Capabilities Limited local security, defensive combat operations Rapid airlift Rapid ground transport of own unit Secure voice and data satellite communications (DAMA, Imagery transmission capable) Operational Environment Climate extremes ranging from cold weather to tropical to desert. Semi-permissive with CBR threat
Construction Electrician Construction Mechanic Seabee Ratings Construction Electrician CE Construction Mechanic CM CEC Officer Builder BU Engineering Aid EA Equipment Operator EO Steel Worker SW Utilitiesman UT