Perspectives and good practices on the development of voluntary work in Poland Mariusz Granosik Department of Social Pedagogy University of Lodz, Poland
Traditional and modern volunteer engagement in Polish language: ochotniczy, wolontarystyczny generally, it means the same... ... but sounds differently
Traditional voluntary engagement limited to an area (region, village, community), no national structure/agency, professional PR, and fundraising anchored in institution and culture, usually long- term, intergenerationally transmitted “from mothers to daughters” and „from fathers to sons” grounded in tradition, usually a supplement of everyday activity, “small” goals (leisure time activity, saving the regional tradition, etc.) not (self)recognised as very important low attractiveness for mass media
Modern voluntary engagement wide-scale, sometimes world oriented (especially “exotic” countries with low GDP), a kind of adventure, survival anchored in impulse, usually short-term, many times changed based on „hot hearts”, often with full-time involvement, radical and large-scale goals (poverty on Earth, animal welfare, equality) organised by (inter)national agencies, professional PR, marketing, and fundraising? very attractive for mass media
Traditional VE
Koło gospodyń wiejskich: “country club” for village people :-) The Club/Circle for Rural Housewives (CRH) – voluntary, self-organised and independent social organisation of women, operating mostly in rural areas. The first CRH was founded by socialist activist Filipina Płaskowicka in village Janisławice in 1877, but very similar organisation The Society of Housewives” had been operating since 1866 in village Piaseczno. Formally Clubs are coordinated by National Board of CRHs but the board has no influence onto regular activities of members and was erected only to make the activity legal in totalitarian system. The main Clubs activity depends on internal regulation (each CRH has own one) but usually they: - defend rights and social position of housewives living in rural areas and their families - developing entrepreneurship of women - activate people to improve health protection and social welfare in rural area - developing inhabitants' participation in local culture and folklore source:
How they develop volunteer engagement “blood infection” and heritage (traditional dresses, tools etc.), socialisation they have a lot of fun, they are happy and very often smile they are just on the corner, they are neighbours (not anonymous) they are active and creative
What is being criticised activity limited to a small area replication and transmission of traditional (positional) family patterns low artistic value: simple music, simple text, no enhanced aspiration
Modern and trendy
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Help Founded in 1993 by Jerzy Owsiak, the creator of TV show „Róbta, co chceta” and some radio music programs. The aim of the Orchestra is to work in the field of health protection by saving patients’ life and supporting their treatment. Additionally, the Foundation promotes health and medical prevention. Each year, the Foundation chooses a theme. So far, they have collected money for: child’s heart surgery, saving children victims of accidents, saving infants’ life, saving children with inborn defects, etc.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity The Foundation runs six nation-wide medical programs: The National Early Cancer Diagnostics in Children Program The Universal Hearing Screenings Program; The Premature Retinopathy Prevention Program; The Infant Flow Program; The Personal Insulin Pump Children Therapy Program; The medical CPR for Schools Program (teaching first aid in primary schools). Besides, the GOCC is the organizer of Europe’s biggest open music festival called “Przystanek Woodstock”.
Some achievements almost 110 million USD have been collected and spent on the medical devices, this year 52.448.765,49 PLN ($17.224.553,53) around 500.000 of people took part in the last „Przystanek Woodstock” in Kostrzyn nad Odrą there are almost 1500 Great Finale collection centers, and more than120 thousand volunteers engaged approximately 10.000 volunteers in each edition for last 10 years
How they develop volunteer engagement ?
charismatic leader
effectiveness (millions collected in one day) attractive music and popular bands (for youth) anarchy-like, subcultural atmosphere decentralised governance very strong mass medial support (almost whole day live program)
What is being criticised too much freedom for young people: the historical slogan „do, what you want” occasionality (once a year) drugs and alcohol on festivals
Social work education developing VE
Social project activity constructed in close relation to different organisations (institutional basis) being in sympathy with other colleagues and people in need (emotional basis) long-term task (biographical basis) conclusion: it is not easy to finish the activity/engagement
Thank you for your attention Mariusz Granosik Department of Social Pedagogy University of Lodz, Poland