Psi Chi – UCF Chapter Welcome!
What we are We are the international honors society in Psychology You can be as little or as much involved as you wish. You can even run for an officer position for the following semester. We are here to help you, so feel free to reach out!
Our goal “…to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology…” We will do this through our meetings with: Various guest speakers Workshops Conferences Opportunities to showcase undergrad research Community outreach events
Benefits of being a member Membership is life-long Looks awesome on your resume or CV Special access and pricing to conferences and events Excellent scholarships and grants available just for members (Psi Chi offers more than $320,000 in awards and grants per year!) Wonderful networking opportunities Build your skills (knowledge in the field, leadership skills, public speaking skills if you choose, etc.) Life-long friendships with fellow Psychology students
Upcoming events UCF’s career expo – Jan 31 MHACF’s Out of Darkness Walk – Feb 4 – to raise suicide awareness Necessities drive for Harbor House – Feb MHACF’s Orange You Happy – Feb 22 Can drive for Knight’s Pantry – March UCF’s Undergrad Research Showcase– April 6 Check Facebook for updates!
Future meeting dates
Induction ceremony We hold a free induction ceremony to honor and celebrate our newly inducted members of the semester This ceremony will be held on April 11th @ 7pm (room TBA) You will receive a membership certificate, pin, and sign the official UCF chapter scroll
We want to hear from you! We want our members to get the most out of our meetings. Plan on attending them this semester? Interested in a specific topic in the field? (Forensic, Cog, IO, Developmental, Clinical, etc) Tell us so we can have a guest speaker on it! Thank you!