Group 5: Job Satisfaction and Worker Attitudes Kathy Nguyen Neinava Vardeh
Presenter: Kathy Nguyen Are Workplace Friendships a Mixed Blessing? Exploring Tradeoffs of Multiplex Relationships and Their Associations with Job Performance Jessica R. Methot Jeffery A. Lepine Nathan P. Podsakoff Jessical Siegel Christian Presenter: Kathy Nguyen
Key Terms Multiplex Relationship Positive Affect Multiplex Relationship: a personal relationship that intertwines with a business relationship, such as with coworkers within one’s organization Positive Affect: Positive outlook of the job
Research Methods Answered survey questions about certain measures Sample: 168 insurance company employees and their supervisors from the southeastern United States. Answered survey questions about certain measures
Measures Emotional exhaustion Work positive affect Task Performance Network relationships Emotional exhaustion Work positive affect Task Performance
Take Home Message Having friends at work can lead to higher levels of productivity More likely to be engaged in work due to improved attitudes How? Offsite events to promote friendship with coworkers Situational judgement tests – how do you handle stressful situations? Employees who develop multiplex workplace relationships in one’s social network have higher levels of productivity, therefore increasing job performance and job satisfaction. Such employees are more likely to be engaged in work due to improved attitudes than coworkers who do not have a “best friend” at work.
Presenter: Neinava Vardeh (Nina) Flourishing VIA Workplace Relationships: Moving Beyond Instrumental Support Amy Colbert Joyce Bono Radostina Purvanova Presenter: Neinava Vardeh (Nina)
Key Terms Task Assistance Career Advancement Flourishing Emotional Support Friendship Personal Growth Giving to Others
Which one of the item you see in key terms is more important for you and can lead to positive workplace relationship ?
Employee flourishing occurs when employees experience high levels of well-being and are fully functioning
Research Methods a) Employed for 32 hours per week or more 300 individuals from diverse group of adult participants in research a) Employed for 32 hours per week or more b) Married to or living with a partner who was also enrolled in Study Response c) Ages: 18 and 65 d) U.S. or Canadian residents Focal participants received two online surveys. The first included the relationship function items, positive affectivity, and demograph- ics, and the second (sent approximately one month later) included the outcome measures: job satis- faction, work meaningfulness, positive emotions at work, and life satisfaction.
Continue 151 participants respond correctly : 53.0% male 24.5% were 30 years old or younger 42.4% were between 31 and 40 years old 33.1% were 41 years old or older. Education 7.3% had a high school diploma 15.9% had some college coursework or an associate’s degree 49.0% had a bachelor’s degree, 27.8% had an advanced degree.
Relationship Functions(Measures ) Emotional Support My co-worker helped me cope with stress. My co-worker allowed me to vent my frustrations. My co-worker helped me release tension. Personal Growth My co-worker helped me grew and developed as a human being. My co-worker pushed me to became a better person. My co-worker helped me developed life skills and competencies,such as becoming a better listener, or being more patient, or solving problems better. (1 5 “strongly dis- agree” to 5 5 “strongly agree”). Job satisfaction was measured with five items from the Brayfield and Rothe (1951) scale, as in Study 1, and was completed by both participants and partners using a 5-point response scale (1 5 “strongly dis- agree” to 5 5 “strongly agree”; self, a 5 .83, partner, a 5 .80). Partners were instructed to think about how the participant felt about his or her job. Partners’ responses provide an independent observer assess- ment of the focal participant’s self-reported states and feelings, and past research has shown that such assessments are accurate (Judge et al., 2000). Unless otherwise noted, all subsequent scales were also in- cluded on the partners’ survey.
Personal Growth Items 1-3 My co-workers help me grow and develop as a human being My co-workers push me to become a better person My co-workers help me develop life skills and competencies
Results (From Post Hoc Analysis) Personal growth has a slightly negative relationship with life satisfaction for those 30 and younger; however, the relationship is increasingly positive at older ages. The relationship between emotional support and life satisfaction is positive for those 30 and younger, and negative for those over 40. Age significantly moderated the effects of personal growth and emotional support on these outcomes.
Take Home Message Pair the older employee with younger, assign them with group project and let them see the result .(passing experience, learning new materials specially in tech section)
Group Take Home Message Social networks research has provided some insight into the role of friendship ties in facilitating positive outcomes in the workplace Organizations that support workplace relationships and provides the benefits in our taxonomy may benefit not only through employee engagement, lower turnover, and better sharing of resources, but may also experience reduced health care costs.