University Of West Florida John C. Pace Library General Business File ASAP Welcome to the General Business File ASAP tutorial.
Objectives To locate General Business File ASAP from the library homepage. To successfully determine the subject headings for your industry. To locate relevant articles on your industry. To locate General Business File ASAP from the library homepage. To successfully determine the subject headings for your industry. To locate relevant articles on your industry.
Home Page: If you have visited any of the UWF libraries, you might want to come back later and complete our Counting Opinions survey…we care what you think! Before we get started, check your access. If your thumb is red, you should click on the thumb to log-in for full access. From the library home page, we are going to learn how to log in to the General Business File ASAP database. The UWF library can be found at
How to start? To locate the General Business File ASAP database, you should click on the Databases tab from the library homepage. To locate the General Business File ASAP database, you should click on the Databases tab from the library homepage.
Databases A to Z To locate the General Business File ASAP database, click on the G (for General) to continue.
Select General Business File ASAP
Business File ASAP This is the default search screen. Before we search, we need to know the subject terms for our industry. To find the basic search terms for our industry we will need to look at the subject guide. Click on Subject Guide on the left side of the screen.
Subject Guide We can enter our industry in the search box. We will be able to look at the subject terms that we will use to locate the most relevant articles for our industry.
Subject Term Results From this screen, we have a few options. We can view all 11,000 plus articles on the grocery industry or we can select narrow to see subdivisions within our industry. Let’s try that last option by clicking on narrow.
Narrow Your Results The numerous subdivisions of the Subject “grocery industry” span over a number of pages and are arranged alphabetically. For each subdivision, you can see how many articles are found within that subdivision. To advance to the next page, click on the blue arrow. I am going to select forecasts and trends by clicking on View.
Full text Articles The article I want to read is “New Grocery Trends Emerge”. I can see that the article is available in full text by the PDF icon which will provide the full-text article in an Adobe PDF format. If there had been no full-text option for the article, I could click on Find It (also called SFX in some databases) to see if UWF had the article in full text in another database. If I click on the PDF icon, I will go directly to the PDF text. If I click on the title of the article, then the web text of the article will appear if available. Something to think about – it is better to get the PDF of the document because citing is easier.
Web Format On the web format, note that the citation is listed at the top of the article. Be sure that you look at these citations to begin to understand how things like author, journal title, article title, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers are listed. The web format generally loads more quickly than the Adobe file. Even so, the PDF format is usually better for use when citing information. On the web format, note that the citation is listed at the top of the article. The web format generally loads more quickly than the Adobe file. Even so, the PDF format is usually better for use when citing information.
Citation from Database This would be the correct form for citing the article: Smith, R. (2012, June 25). New grocery trends emerge. Feedstuffs, 84(26), 7. Retrieved January 2, 2013 from Business File ASAP. If the information for your article is different, check the APA Guide for more details. If you were writing an in-text or parenthetical citation for this article, it would look like this: More adult males are involved in shopping for groceries (Smith, 2012). If you were citing this article in a paper, your reader would know that they could go to the Business File ASAP database and locate the article by author or title. Remember that if there is no author, then we begin the citation with the title. The title of the journal is italicized as is the volume number. The issue number is not italicized. If you were writing an in-text or parenthetical citation for this article, it would look like this: More adult males are involved in shopping for groceries (Smith, 2012).
FIND IT – What is that? I can tell this first article is not available in full text in this database because there are no Text or PDF links. Instead, there is a “C” listed next to the title. This tells me that there is only a citation. I can click on Find It to see if the article is available in full text in a different database. I can tell this article is not available in full text in this database because there are no Text or PDF links. . Instead, there is a “C” listed next to the title. This tells me that there is only a citation. I can click on Find It to see if the article is available in full text in a different database. Clicking on the Find It link will also allow me to request the article from InterLibrary Loan if we do not have access to the article. The library will find another library who will send the article to UWF. Generally there is no cost to obtain articles from ILL. Let’s click on Find It!
Options The search shows that the full text version of the article is available in another UWF database. I can click on one of the links to locate the article in another database. If the article was not available at all at UWF, there would be a link to an Interlibrary Loan form. The search shows that the full text version of the article is available in another UWF database. I can click on one of the links to locate the article in another database. If the article was not available at all at UWF, there would be a link to an Interlibrary Loan form.
Help Screens Remember the first search screen we looked at? The subject search screen? Please notice that there is a help link available if you need more information. The Help link is available from most screens in the Business File ASAP database. From the homepage, there is a link to all topics in Help. If your choice of words for your industry does not give you good results, you might need to look at some of the help topics to assist you in developing a good phrase for searching.
One more thing! Remember that from the Advanced Search screen, you can search for keywords, by title, or by author. These other search methods might be helpful for your assignments.
Copyright 2013 Donna Fluharty Thank You Thank you for viewing this tutorial. I hope that it will help you locate the best subject terms for your industry, as well as some useful articles. Make sure that you take the practice quiz to receive full participation points. Copyright 2013 Donna Fluharty Thank you for viewing this tutorial. I hope that it will help you locate the best subject terms for your industry, as well as some useful articles. Make sure that you take the practice quiz to receive full participation points.