Misleading Graphs Learn to recognize misleading graphs and statistics.
Graphs and statistics are often used to persuade Graphs and statistics are often used to persuade. Advertisers and others may accidentally or intentionally present information in a misleading way. For example, art is often used to make a graph more interesting, but it can distort the relationships in the data.
Identifying Misleading Graphs Explain why each graph is misleading. A. The graph suggests that the stock will continue to increase through 2020, but there’s no way to foresee the future.
Identifying Misleading Graphs Explain why each graph is misleading. B. Because the scale leaves out 0 to 100, the bar heights make it appear that the sixth grade sold about three times as many tickets as either of the other two grades. In fact, the sixth grade sold only about 20% more.
Identifying Misleading Graphs Explain why each graph is misleading. C. The scale is so compressed that it’s hard to see any difference among the brands.
% of Return on Investment Try This: Explain why each graph is misleading. % of Return on Investment 60 The graph suggests that the rate of investment return will continue to increase, but there are no guarantees 50 40 30 20 10 1 2 3 4 5* 6* * projected
Preferred Juice Flavors Try This: Explain why each graph is misleading. Preferred Juice Flavors B. The graph appears to indicate that significantly more people prefer grape drink over the others when in fact there is a small margin of difference. (0 to 140 is not graphed) 150 148 146 144 142 140 Grape Cherry Apple
Try This: C. Explain why each graph is misleading. Drink Sales 120 No data from 50 to 120 100 This graph is too compressed to see much difference between the brands indicating that they are fairly equal. 80 60 40 20 Brand X Brand Y Brand Z
How can this graph be misleading?
Explain why each statistic is misleading. A. Sam scored 43 goals for his soccer team during the season, and Jacob scored only 2. Although Jacob scored only 2 goals, he may have played most of his time on defense. B. Four out of five dentists surveyed preferred UltraClean toothpaste. This statement does not give the sample size or state what UltraClean toothpaste was compared with.
Explain why each statistic is misleading. C. Shopping at Save-a-Lot can save you up to $100 a month! The words save up to $100 mean that the maximum you can save is $100, but there is no guarantee that you will save that amount.