1. What Is an Ink Spot? INK = “Info. Need to Know” …for best practice …in our club a 3-minute L&D segment
2. Who Determines, Prepares & Presents? Determined by: Rotarians in club – “corporate wisdom” Prepared by: Rotarians – in our club or other clubs Presented by: any member
3. What Topics Will Be Included? Rotary programs & protocols Local club, District or RI History Leadership & Personal growth topics Public speaking skills Rotary ethics issues Technology tips Anything to inform best practice
4. When Presented? At each meeting Any convenient time Text included in bulletin
“The Top 10 tips for…” “The 7 best ideas for…” “8 essential things to know about…” “5 Fascinating Facts about…” etc. 5. How are they Presented? Engaging title – number of points Use “hooks” Information - useful and relevant to best practice Reliable, respected sources
6. How will Attention Be Maintained? Presented within 3 minutes Limited “bullet points” Minimum of explanation Just enough info. to understand topic …and encourage further research No questions – ask speaker later
7. How Can The Impact Be Enhanced? PowerPoint – images only AND/ OR bullet points OR a hand held chart OR hand held visual props AND/ OR Simply Enthusiasm!
8. Why Do We Need Ink Spots? New Rotarians “need to know” Reminders for others Consistent message An aide to mentors Back up to RLI Practice for timed speeches
9. Where Can They Be Found? In “corporate wisdom” of members “Rotary Resources Giftbox” - D9780 Website Create your own and share them
10. HOW can I use a POWERPOINT To present an ink spot? Prepare & Save Ink Spot in “Word” using “Styles” Use “Title” style for title Use “Heading 1 style” for slide headings Use “Heading 2 style” for dot points Open in PowerPoint as an “outline” file & apply theme design