Mr. Rau's Classroom Rules/Procedures
Office hours Please see me during the first half of Power Hour for office hours You can also arrange to see me briefly before or after school. Email me if you are not able to meet during Power Hour in order to arrange a morning or afterschool meeting.
Why rules? Rules are important in establishing mutual agreements If we can mutually build the ground together, we can "build" our education higher Spend more time achieving, and less time fixing problems that should've been taken care of at the beginning
Rules 4 P's of West Port Mr. Rau's Rule of Respect Electronic Policy
West Port 4 P's Prompt Prepared Polite Productive
Prompt in mr. Rau's classroom Arrive to class before the bell rings Have your binder and notes for the day ready before the bell rings Be a problem solver early on: don't wait until the end of the quarter to work toward solutions to raise your grade Ask a question the minute you don't understand, quickly addressing misunderstanding allows more learning to take place
Prepared In Mr. Rau's Classroom You arrive to class with all needed supplies Calculator, notes, homework, book, etc. All homework and assignments are turned in before you are seated and before the bell rings You come to quizzes and tests knowing all covered content You come ready to learn some amazing math!
Polite in Mr. Rau's classroom Polite: showing good manners towards others This applies to everyone Mr. Rau Your Classmates Other visiting faculty Etc.
Productive in Mr. Rau's Classroom When you arrive and are seated (before the bell), begin working on the bell work immediately During our lessons: Take notes Ask Questions Struggle with the problems With Assignments: Show all work, complete each assignment, and prove to me you tried your hardest.
Mr. Rau's Rule of Respect: Everyone in Mr Mr. Rau's Rule of Respect: Everyone in Mr. Rau's class will be respectful First and foremost, Mr. Rau will respect anyone in his classroom at all times. Respect each other in and out of the room: Conversation, space, etc. Respect the time we have so it is productive and educational for YOU. Respect anyone who is speaking: announcements, Mr. Rau, a classmate. Wait with a raised hand to be called, and when called on, speak. Respect our room and keep it clean. Respect our campus and make it the GREATEST campus to be on!
Electronics There will be specified times when electronics are allowed During this time you are permitted to have your cell phone out Any other time: You have a calculator provided to you, get accustomed to that calculater, as you will use it on your exams. Technology used for anything outside of my room makes that technology unproductive. I will ask you to put away the device if it is not the specified time to have it out.
Should any student choose to not follow our class rules: You can expect to receive Warnings Calls to home Power Hour Detention Discipline referrals These consequences will be aligned with the policies of West Port High School.
Coming into class Enter the class Promptly and Prepared. Turn in any homework before being seated in the appropriate place Gather any needed supplies before being seated (paper, pencil, calculator) Place your backpack underneath your seat If your backpack is in the room, and you are not when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy
Bell Work Bell work is a daily task. Begin bell work upon being seated, this should be before the bell rings Answer these questions on a sheet of paper in your notebook The Paper should be split into four sections: draw a line halfway through each side, Make the front side Monday, Tuesday. Backside, Wednesday, and Thursday or Friday.
Classwork Classwork will consist of notes and practice problems for the majority of the time. Have a sheet of paper in order to take notes and complete these problems in our class time. Some problems will be partner problems. During those times, keep the volume low.
Writing in Math Each day, some of your problems will be required to be answered in sentences, this is a school wide focus in order to raise our understanding of language in academics. Additionally, writing helps me see your thought process in problem solving
Homework and Answers Alg II Honors Homework is assigned every Monday (or first day of the week). Homework assigned is expected to be completed and submitted in class at the end of the week (Thursday or Friday). No late homework will be accepted. I will provide answers after the date has passed in order for you to review your work.
Homework and Answers PreCal Homework will be assigned almost nightly. These will rarely be more than 5 problems Homework is always due the next day. Answers can be found in the back of the book, or on my website after the date has passed. Check your work and learn from any mistakes
Bathroom Sign out and take the pass quietly. Only use the bathroom during classwork times, not during the teaching of the lesson or discussion. Return to the class promptly and sign the log, return the pass and return to your classwork
Water Breaks Water breaks are not allowed except for extenuating circumstances. Water bottles are available on campus, and fountains between classes.
Late work I do accpet late work, but not for full credit. Late work can receive a maximum of 80%, however this work must be complete and correct in order to receive the 80%. I am understanding of a busy schedule, but that is taken into account before an assignment is given, not after it is due.
Dismissal You are dismissed by me, not the bell. Do not begin to pack up until you have been told to do so. I will never make you late to your next class. I will try to finish our class time shortly before the bell, but this is not always possible. Remain in your seats until you have been dismissed.