The Solar System
The Sun Temperatures: Evidence of water? core is 15,000,000 C corona is 5,000 C Evidence of water? yes What is the atmosphere made of? hydrogen helium
Mercury Distance from the Sun: 58 million km Temperatures: -240 to 400 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? none
Venus Distance from the Sun: 108.2 million km Temperatures: 465 C (hottest planet) Evidence of water? Yes, in atmosphere What is the atmosphere made of? carbon dioxide sulfuric acid
Earth Distance from the Sun: 152 million km Temperatures: -88 to 58 C Evidence of water? Yes, all three states What is the atmosphere made of? carbon dioxide oxygen nitrogen
the Moon Distance from the Earth: 384,403 km Temperatures: -233 to 123 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? none
Mars Distance from the Sun: 228 million km Temperatures: -87 to -5 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? carbon dioxide
Mars Panoramic 2004
Jupiter Distance from the Sun: 778.3 million km Temperatures: -108 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? hydrogen helium sulfur nitrogen
Europa Distance from Jupiter: 670,900 km Temperatures: Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? oxygen
Saturn Distance from the Sun: 1.429 billion km Temperatures: -139 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? ammonia water hydrogen sulfur
Titan Distance from Saturn: 120,000 km Temperatures: -180 C Evidence of water? Yes What is the atmosphere made of? methane ethane nitrogen
Uranus Distance from the Sun: 2.871 billion km Temperatures: -197 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? ammonia water hydrogen sulfur
Neptune Distance from the Sun: 6 billion km Temperatures: -229 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? nitrogen methane
Pluto Distance from the Sun: 58 billion km Temperatures: -240 to -400 C Evidence of water? Yes, ice What is the atmosphere made of? none
Asteroid Evidence of water? Description: yes A small rocky body orbiting the sun
Comet Evidence of water? Description: Yes, made of ice Very small solar system body made mostly of ices mixed with dust and rock
Meteoroid Evidence of water? Description: no Small rocky or metallic body traveling through space.