5.01 Honors Assessment Help
Smoking can permanently damage the delicate tissues of the lungs. For this assessment, use the video and reliable internet resources to research which lung tissues are damaged during smoking. Use your research to explain how the damage to each of these tissues disrupts ventilation in the lungs. Your submission can be an essay or any type of presentation and should address each of the tissues presented in this lesson. Be sure to include proper references and citations for any sources you use for research. In order to receive full credit, this is what you will need……….. The response lists damage to the cilia, mucous membranes, alveoli, capillaries, and surfactant and water layers of the lungs, and it accurately explains how the damage to each of these tissues can disrupt ventilation in the lungs. Note: Accurate descriptions for each of these terms will be anywhere from 4-6 sentences, with each sentence detailing the role that cigarette smoke will do to each of these tissues. I’d also recommend using a picture of each of these components as well. Visuals really do a lot to help understand what you are explaining. This assignment is worth 24 points.
Damage to Cilia by Cigarette Smoke (4 points)
Picture of Cilia
Damage to Mucous Membranes by Cigarette Smoke (4 points)
Picture of Mucous Membranes
Damage to Alveoli by Cigarette Smoke (4 points)
Picture of Alveoli
Damage to Capillaries by Cigarette Smoke (4 points)
Picture of Capillaries
Damage to Surfactant by Cigarette Smoke (4 points)
Picture of Surfactant
Conclusion (4 points)