Maplewood Elementary School Respect, Own-it, Attitude, Responsibility
Acknowledgement Systems Tiger Tickets are used to acknowledge displays of expectations throughout the building. Tiger Tickets are collected in classroom teachers’ Ticket Bags. Each month, Ticket Bags are brought to the “Celebration” and drawn for prizes. All faculty and staff are encouraged to acknowledge displays of expected student behaviors. Display Tickets & Tiger Bags
Acknowledgement Systems Monthly Character Traits: September Perseverance October Courage November Respect December Caring January Self Control February Kindness March Trustworthiness April Fairness May Sportsmanship Monthly Characters are defined and students displaying traits are presented with a PAW. PAWS will be announced during lunches on Wednesday. During lunch on Wednesday, students will have an opportunity to display their PAW on the Principal’s 100 Board. Students will also receive the designated Character bead to acknowledge their PAWS-itive Traits. Explain Tiger Tag Necklaces - have a sample
PAWS-itive Characters
Principal’s 100 Insert Picture of board / Arms on hips
Prize Wheel Insert video of prize wheel being spun
Video of gaming room / VIP lunch / students getting snacks & poweraid
Terrific Tigers Terrific Tigers: Terrific Tigers will be selected at the end of each month. All students receiving Character PAWS will be considered in receiving a Terrific Tiger (student of the month). A boy and a girl will be chosen from each grade level to represent the designated monthly trait. Tiger with hands in the air
Creating Comfortable Buses MES Bus Expectations: Teachers will be assigned to each bus to assist. Each week will focus on specific behaviors from ROAR Expectations. Teachers will provide tickets and help with the expectation for the week. Long term goal is for bus driver to identify areas of need to reinforce with tickets. BUS Tiger Tickets for specific behaviors Students receiving BUS Tiger Tickets will place them in the appropriate BUS BIN. Tickets will be drawn weekly and monthly It is the goal of Maplewood Elementary to create a PAWSitive environment for everyone involved.
Picture of bus bin
Cafeteria Swat video cafeteria tiger
When: Monthly - Announced by Mrs. Fonzo Why: Moving a reading level Earning a Character PAW / Bead Traveling in a Comfortable Bus Being a Terrific Tiger Attending every day Expectations Ticket Drawings (Others to be determined) How: Whole School Assembly Staff wears ROAR Shirt Where: Maplewood Elementary Auditorium Crazy hair tiger - rainbow hair
PAWS-itive Character Trait Perseverance Pictures of Sept Celebration back pack tiger
PAWS-itive Character Trait Courage Bully Prevention Red Ribbon Week Thriller Thriller Celebration
PAWS-itive Character Trait Respect Grateful Celebration / turkey tiger
Where Everyone is included Reindeer Games Where Everyone is included Reindeer Games
Future Celebration Ideas Winter Snow Day Dr. Seuss Celebration Whole School Activity Period Minute it to Win It Games 6th Grade Show Case Future Celbration Ideas
Questions Questions
Thank you Cindy Johnson Maplewood Elementary School Counselor Thank You