Kashouh News December 2015
We started an Iraqi ministry three months ago We started an Iraqi ministry three months ago. Every Saturday evening we get around 250 people. All new. They are experiencing Christ, and their lives are being transformed.
Two months ago we planted a church amongst the Syrian community Two months ago we planted a church amongst the Syrian community. The church is growing. New people are joining every Sunday.
The church now has four services during the weekend The church now has four services during the weekend. A total of 850 people gather every week for worship.
At the beginning of the year 2015, our vision was to start life groups in our church. Today we have over 150 life groups amongst Lebanese, Expats, Syrian and Iraqi communities.
In June we started finishing the main worship center of the church to be able to host a larger number of people. We are hoping to inaugurate the center in March, 2016.
A few Sundays ago we had an evangelistic event in the afternoon and more than 300 people came from the community and neighboring villages.
Last year we were able to provide food packages and vouchers for 200 refugee families on a regular basis from January until December. In addition to providing medical care and medications.
The Learning Support project that the Church provides for unprivileged children has grown this year. We have four classes of 8 children each. We also have five teachers and social workers, and a director for the school.
The vision for the year 2016 is going to be “healthy family”.
Please pray for: Our leaders after a great and successful year. The implementation of our vision for year 2016. For stability in the region and the election of a new president in Lebanon. For planting new churches in the region (so far the church is supporting 10 indigenous leaders from the MENA region).