IAFSM Stormwater Master Planning Workshop Proactive Stormwater Master Planning: Pre-development versus Post-development Scenarios Nick Hayward IAFSM Stormwater Master Planning Workshop Bloomington, IL September 23, 2008
Sedimentation of Peoria Lakes
No, it’s not time-lapse photography of Mount St. Helen’s… 1938 No, it’s not time-lapse photography of Mount St. Helen’s… 1951 1957
Watershed Planning in the Peoria Area
Ackerman Creek Watershed
Ackerman Creek Watershed Plan
Stormwater Action Items
Pre-Development Education: Homeowner BMPs http://www.peorialakeswatersheds.org
Pre-Development Ordinances: Low Impact Development
Pre-Development Ordinances: Ravine Overlay District Ordinance
Storm Water Utility http://www.contech-cpi.com/media/assets/asset/file_name/511/Vortechs_System.swf
Forest Management: A Post-Development Lesson
Forest Management: A Post-Development Lesson
What Needs to Happen Ordinances must reflect commitment to Illinois River health Forest management must become a priority Future generations must establish commitment to Illinois River health
Why Plan Before Development? Inventory Identification Implementation
Questions and Comments Nick Hayward Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (309) 673-9330 nhayward@tricountyrpc.org http://www.peorialakeswatersheds.org