Encounters in East Asia Chapter 14 Section 4
China looked at Europeans as barbarians While Europeans wrote enthusiastically about them
European Contact With Ming China Ming China > no interest with Europe Portuguese traded China gold and silver for their silks and porcelains Allowed trading post at Macao Trading season
Seeking Converts Chinese welcomed Jesuits because of their broad knowledge Brilliant Jesuit priest > Matteo Ricci No success in spreading religious beliefs Learned more about China
Manchus founded – Qing Dynasty Adopted Confucian system of government Two rulers throughout their history Kangxi Qianlong
Spreading Peace and Prosperity Expanded economy New crops? – increased output > increase pop. Industries expanded and trade grew More demand for Chinese goods
Qing Dynasty – restricted trade with foreign traders Lord MacCartney – British diplomat MacCartney and King – Bad relationship Result China – ignoring westerners – will have undesired consequences
Korea Also looked down on foreign traders Two invasions: by Japan and Qing Dynasty Korea chooses Isolation – “Hermit Kingdom” Although – Great Age – Art and Literature
Japan Japanese welcomed foreign traders Adopted Christianity Spain seizes Philippines – Now Europeans seen as a threat Tokugawas expel foreign missionaries Persecute Japanese Christians Period of isolation arts & cities bloomed Nagasaki harbor Limited trade