Multi-Academy Trust status Parental Consultation
Purpose of meeting To confirm our school’s vision and values To advise parents of the Governors’ discussions regarding Academy status To clarify what an Academy is To discuss the advantages and concerns regarding the transfer To seek your views as part of the wider consultation process
Our Vision and Values We are committed to : Provide a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment suited to the needs of the school community where pupils can achieve, be successful and equipped with life-long learning skills Inspirational teaching and learning Innovative ways of working Developing and supporting pupils and parents Making a positive contribution to community improvement and inter-school links
What is an academy ? Academies are state-funded schools that are not accountable to the Local Authority Academies have greater choice with regards to curriculum and finance A Multi-Academy Trust is not a sponsored academy ; our schools were approached by the DfE as a result of our excellent work and reputation It is the expectation of the Department for Education that all schools should ultimately become Academies
North of Tyne Multi Academy Trust – April 2016 Academy Structure Members ( 5 ) meeting annually Named members are : Mrs L Colthart (Education) ; Mr C Zarraga (Education) ; Mr J Dodds (Legal) ; Mr A Gollings (Finance) ; Ms N Thorne (Finance) Board of Trustees (7) meeting 3 - 6 times per year Chairs of Local Governing Bodies 1 representative from Members group Executive Headteacher (appointed by trustees normally for two years Remaining Headteachers present as non voting observers Headteacher Board (5) meeting fortnightly Day to day operational needs Local Governing Body of : Collingwood Primary School Local Governing Body of : New York Percy Main Riverside Waterville Primary
What does this mean for the school ? Our land and property would no longer belong to the Local Authority but instead to the MAT Our staff pay, terms and conditions would remain the same Our work with the local and wider community will remain the same Our work with local schools will be even stronger and more beneficial
It does not mean….. Changing our name or uniform Sponsorship from another company or academy Changing our admissions policy Sweeping changes to the curriculum Compulsory pairing with weaker schools Changing SEN support The school will continue to look, feel and be the way it is now.
Next steps Consultation process ; parents, pupils, local community, Local Authority, Unions etc The schools are currently working with a law firm and the local authority to ensure all the legal duties are in place Towards the end of May Governors will consider all information from the consultation process and ultimately make a final decision to convert The aim is to convert to academy status by 1st September 2016