The Boolean Boost: Searching for Candidates Lauren Hoen & Parris Vitela
Introductions Lauren Hoen Training Specialist Parris Vitela Strategic Account Executive
Goals Learning to find the right talent Understanding how Boolean Searching relates to: Core Application Aero
Agenda Boolean Searching Advanced Searching in the Core Application AND, OR, NOT Advanced Searching in the Core Application Advanced Searching in AERO
Boolean Searching AND Combine 2 required parameters Only return results that contain both words/phrases Target required skills & expertise Example: Java AND SQL OR At least one of the parameters is required, more than one or all can be returned Use to identify different ways a parameter could be expressed Example: CPA OR Certified Public Accountant NOT Exclude specific terms from results Eliminate false positives Example: Account NOT Finance
Core application Advanced Searching
Basic Functionality
Determining Search Items What type of record are you searching for? What specific field or item within that record are you searching for? Which sub-tree is that field located in the record? How is that item or field labeled? How would you identify or define the field or specific item?
Determining Search Items Active Employees Not currently on assignment Live in Minnesota What type of record are you searching for? EMPLOYEE What specific field or item within that record are you searching for? Active Status Not On Assignment Minnesota (Address)
Determining Search Items What & Where ACTIVE Employees Not on assignment Lives in Minnesota
Determining Search Items Active Employees Not currently on assignment Live in Minnesota What type of record are you searching for? EMPLOYEE What specific field or item within that record are you searching for? Active Status Not On Assignment Minnesota (Address) Which sub-tree is that field located? Detail Detail Address
Setting up Search Criteria Active Employees Not currently on assignment Live in Minnesota
Searching Multiple Items Active Employees Not currently on assignment Live in Minnesota With Forklift related skills ANY of the following: Forklift Standup Cherry Picker Electric ALL of the following: Forklift Standup Cherry Picker Electric
Searching Multiple Items: “And” Employee must have all skills when listed on separate lines
Searching Multiple Items: “Or” Employee must have one or more, but not all skills
Advanced Search: When to use Groups Dependent search parameters Date Type & Ranges Interview Questions & Answers Identifying specific types in criteria Users & User Type, Date & Date Types Document Types & Keywords Creating “Or” statements with multiple criteria Results only need one item in a list of several different criteria
Searching Multiple Items: Grouping Active Employees Not currently on assignment Live in Minnesota With Forklift related skills, certifications, or keywords Requires at least one, but not all: Forklift Skill Forklift Certified Document Keyword Forklift
Searching Multiple Items: Grouping
Searching Multiple Items: Grouping
Searching Date Ranges Employees with a status of Active, Applicant, or Online Applicant Entered between 12/1/14-1/1/15 Which sub-tree is that field located in the record? How is that item or field labeled? How would you define the field or specific item?
Incorrect Date Searching Employees with a status of Active, Applicant, or Online Applicant Entered between 12/1/14-1/1/15 RESULTS
Correct Date Searching Detail Status = Active, Applicant, Online Applicant Date Date Type Date Entered >= 12/1/14 <= 1/1/15 Employees with a status of Active, Applicant, or Online Applicant Entered between 12/1/14-1/1/15
Search Results
Correct Date Searching: Results Detail Status = Active, Applicant, Online Applicant Date Date Type Date Entered >= 12/1/14 <= 1/1/15
Search Results Which values did the selected person match? What can I do next? Which records meet the search parameters? Which values did the selected person match? How many records qualified in each group?
Advanced Search: When to use Groups Dependent search parameters Date Type & Ranges Interview Questions & Answers Identifying specific types in criteria Users & User Type, Date & Date Types Document Types & Keywords Creating “Or” statements with multiple criteria Results only need one item in a list of several different criteria
REMINDER #1: No Null Searches You cannot search for the absence of something Will not function as expected
Reminder #2: Consistency is key! Tracks all Interviews using DATES Updates Interview Comments with their name & date of interview Logs a message or appointment for all Interviews Tracks all Interviews by updating User: Interviewed by If you don’t have a consistent method of tracking or recording it, Advanced Search will have a hard time finding it!
AERO Boolean Searching
Searching in Recruiter Module
Search Operators Quotation Marks Math Operators Asterisk Tilde Used to search exact phrases Example: “Account Manager” Quotation Marks Use +, -, =, <, >, <=, and >= instead of typing AND, OR, and NOT Example: Microsoft + Excel - Word Math Operators Allows users to search for root words to pull in all similar results Example: Project Manage* = project manager, project management Asterisk Will allow you to search similar words in case of misspellings or closely related terms Example: Manager~ = manager, manger, managed Tilde
Search Process Enter search parameters in Search field Filter results using the Filter Panel Use Relevancy Indicator to determine best results
Entering Search Parameters Be sure to navigate to the correct Main Tab to return desired records Can enter keywords from anywhere on the record Names can be entered FirstName LastName Search tips Hit Enter on your keyboard or button to perform search
Applying Filters Options are dynamic based on initial results Only displays statuses found in any of the results Can select more than one filter Must click Apply Filters
Relevancy Indicator Sorted based on keyword location & frequency Displays the system’s estimate of how well the record matches the search criteria The most blue, the better! Most relevant listed at top Sorted based on keyword location & frequency Job Title > body of résumé
Field Searching Enter a colon ( : ) as the first character in the Search field to see a list of searchable elements in the Recruiter Module
Getting to the Knowledge Base (KB)
Saving Searches & Why 1 2 3
Quiz time!
I’m a recruiter looking to fill a job for an Egg Counter I’m a recruiter looking to fill a job for an Egg Counter. How can I best perform this search in the Recruiter Module? “Egg Counter” Egg Counter~ Egg Count*
The Search Filters panel will always show all your Available Branches as filter options. True False
Which is not a Boolean search keyword? AND BUT NOT OR
Review Boolean Searching Advanced Searching in the Core Application AND, OR, NOT Advanced Searching in the Core Application Advanced Searching in AERO