Pulley Lever Inclined plane Screw Wheel and axle Wedge Simple Machines Pulley Lever Inclined plane Screw Wheel and axle Wedge
By: Brett Johnathon Nick Sheyla Lindsay Kaylee Nicole Sierra
Pulleys make work easier.
Sheyla and Sierra use a pulley to raise and lower our flag.
The hammer is a simple lever for Kaylee to remove a nail.
The can opener is a simple lever to help Sierra open her bottle of pop!
Our friend Ryan uses an inclined plane every day when he goes to lunch.
There is a wheel and axle on Ryan’s wheelchair.
Lindsay & Brett are holding some examples of screws.
Brett uses a screw to hold things together.
Sheyla uses the inclined plane to walk with crutches.
Her friend Sierra uses the inclined plane instead of the stairs for safety.
Nick uses a wedge to keep the door back against the wall so people will not run into it.
Another example of wheel and axle. This makes the cart easy to move.
The wheel and axle makes this my favorite chair to sit in when Mrs The wheel and axle makes this my favorite chair to sit in when Mrs. Johnson helps me at her table.
Johnathon uses a wedge to try to push the tables apart.
I love the wedge.
We identified and explored simple machines. Nicole says this is the end.