Growth Hormone Prof. K. Sivapalan
Growth Hormone 191 amino acids, mw- 21500, half life- 20minutes. Mechanism of action- Direct and through somatomedins- Insulin like Growth Factor I, II. [IGF- I, IGF- II.] 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Effects on Protein metabolism. Increase in AA transport in to cells. Increase in protein synthesis. increase RNA synthesis. Decrease catabolism of protein. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Effects on Fat metabolism. Increase lipolysis from adipose tissue. Fatty acids breakdown for energy increased. Ketone body formation increased. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Effects on Carbohydrate Metabolism. Reduce utilization of glucose for energy. Increase glycogen synthesis. Decrease glucose uptake by tissues. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Effects on bone Increases chondrogenisis. increases mineralization. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
General effects Increased metabolic rate. decreases plasma cholesterol decreases Na, K excretion. positive nitrogen balance reduces blood urea, amino acids. Growth promotion requires insulin and glucose. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Control of Secretion. GHRH from hypothalamus-release. Somatostatin- inhibition. Regulation- feedback- IGF-I reduce GH release and increase Somatostatin release. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Other stimuli that increase secretion: Deficiency of energy substrate- hypoglycaemia. exercise fasting 2 Deoxyglucose. Amino acids- protein meal infusion of arginine and other amino acids. Glucagon Stress- pyrogens psychologic stresses. Sleep- non REM sleep. Estrogens and androgens 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Other stimuli that decrease: REM sleep. Glucose Cortizol FFA Also spikes of secretion occur without recognizable stimuli- pulsatile release. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Hypopituitarism in Adults lethargy- thyroid function. weight gain- fat deposition. loss of sexual functions- gonadotropins. reduced pigmentation- ACTH 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Hypopitutarism in children Dwarfism-. delayed growth. puberty may or not occur. mental function is good. Difficulties may occur at times of stress. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Hyperpitutarism Usually due to tumor Effect on visual field By-temporal hemianopia. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Acromegaly: in Adults. Thick small bones of limbs. Thick membrane bones- cranium, nose, forehead, supra orbital ridges, lower jaw. Vertebra- kyphosis. Soft tissues- increased size - tongue, liver, kidney. Hyperglycaemia. Visual field defect. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Acromegaly 08-01-14 Growth hormone
Gigantism: in children Rapid growth. Hyperglycaemia. 08-01-14 Growth hormone
GROWTH Genetic factors. Nutrition Growth hormone. Thyroid hormone. Insulin. Corticosteroids. Sex hormones. 08-01-14 Growth hormone