INTRODUCTION Damages like: Death of the animals, In animal production, diseases are still the major threat to the animal producers because they cause high damage to the animals and even to the animal producers. Damages like: Death of the animals, Reduction in the yield of the animals Also there are some zoonotic diseases. Preventing and limiting the impact of diseases in livestock animals relies almost exclusively on the administration of vaccines and the use of drugs respectively (Knox, 2010). But the question is, “OF THE DRUGS AND OF THE VACCINES” which one will be of great benefit to animal producers so as to reduce the high cost of production and at the same time having high yield.
DRUGS MAJOR CLASSES OF DRUGS Drug is substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders, and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions (Microsoft Encarta, 2009). MAJOR CLASSES OF DRUGS Topical antiseptics, bactericides, and fungicides Ionophores Steroid anabolic growth promoters Antiparasite drugs Antibiotics
REASON FOR USING DRUGS Therapeutics, for treating existing disease conditions. Prophylactics, at subtherapeutic concentrations; and Subtherapeutics, for production enhancement (increased growth rate and efficiency of feed use).
DRUG ADMINISTRATION Depending on the drug and its desired effect, there are variety of administrative methods. Orally administered drugs Intravenous Subcutaneous Intramuscular Inhaled drugs Skin or rectally absorbed drugs
PRINCIPLES REGARDING JUDICIOUS USE OF DRUGS IN ANIMALS AS RECOMMENDED BY FDA The use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals should be limited to those uses that are considered necessary for assuring animal health. Principle 2: The use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals should be limited to those uses that include veterinary oversight or consultation.
VACCINES WHY DO WE VACCINATE? Vaccines are biological products that induce an immune response to the specific disease causing agents (Cobb-vantress, 2010). Vaccines are an important part of disease prevention and control. WHY DO WE VACCINATE? To induce an immune response to a specific disease causing agents To reduce the level of clinical disease To promote optimal performance
VACCINE TYPE Killed or Dead vaccine Live or Attenuated vaccine Killed or Dead vaccine Chemically altered or genetically engineered vaccine
STORAGE AND HANDLING OF VACCINES Handling and Storage Processes for all Vaccines:
Varying Presentations of Killed Vaccines: Those Which Are Safe To Use And Those That Should Not Be Used: NORMAL Uniformly Milky White. Ok to Use. NORMAL Significant settling has occurred. Vaccine has two layers. Ok to Use. NORMAL Slight settling has occurred. Vaccine has two layers. Ok to Use. BROKEN EMULSION Three layers. Bottom layer is black or Dark brown. DO NOT USE! BROKEN EMULSION Three layers. Plus a thin layer of black or dark brown. DO NOT USE!
WHY VACCINES FAIL TO WORK. Storage and Handling of vaccines vaccination of Stressed animals Weather stress Preexisting disease Parasitism Malnutrition Pregnancy
CONCLUSION I will conclude by using this popular saying. “prevention is better than cure” that is, it is more advisable to pay good attention to vaccination (the use of vaccines) of animals so as to prevent the outbreak of diseases than administration of drugs (use of drugs) to treat the diseases, as the outbreak of diseases may results to death of the animals, loss in production and high cost of production. Also the cost incurred on vaccines is always smaller compared to the cost incurred on buying drugs.