Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Circulatory System Digestion System Excretory System Nervous System Skeletal System 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Carbon dioxide and water Carbon dioxide and oxygen Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Respiration System moves __________ and _________ in and out of the body: Carbon dioxide and water Water and oxygen oxygen and water Carbon dioxide and oxygen .
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The Correct Answer is D
Blood travels from the heart to the _______ and back to the _____ Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Blood travels from the heart to the _______ and back to the _____ Heart and lungs Capillary and artery Artery and Capillary Lungs and heart
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is d
The hearts upper Chambers are called? Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The hearts upper Chambers are called? Ventricles Atrium Valves hemoglobin's
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The answer is b.
Fill in the chart: Red Blood cells Fight disease Platelets Eleanor M. Savko Fill in the chart: 7/4/2018 Red Blood cells Fight disease Platelets
Carry oxygen and deliver it to the body cell Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Red Blood cells Carry oxygen and deliver it to the body cell White Blood Cells Fight disease Platelets Form blood cloth
BONUS POINTS: Double Jeopardy Eleanor M. Savko BONUS POINTS: Double Jeopardy 7/4/2018 Blood Vessel Function Artery Capillaries Vain
Bonus Point: . Blood Vessel Function Structure of wall Artery Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Blood Vessel Function Structure of wall Artery Carries blood away from the heart 3 Layers a. Inner- epithelial tissue b. Middle- muscle c.Outer- connective tissue Capillaries Materials exchanged between the blood and body’s cell Have thin walls, material can pass easily through them Vain Carry blood back to the heart Have the same three layers like the arteries
Digestive system function is to? a. Breaks down food, absorb molecules into the blood and eliminate waste. b. Helps you breath c. Circulates food through out your body d. Supports your body Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is a.
Absorption is: When you sweat Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Absorption is: When you sweat When nutrients pass through the wall into the blood. When the liver produces juices d. Happens only in the digestion system
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is b
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Nutrients in food provide the body with energy and materials needed for : Growth Repair Other life processes All of these
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is d.
What’s the different between mechanical and chemical digestion? Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 What’s the different between mechanical and chemical digestion?
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Mechanical- food is ground into small pieces. Begins as you take your first bite. Chemical- large food molecules are broken into small molecules by enzymes. Most digestion takes place in the small intestine
Absorbs water and eliminates waste Eleanor M. Savko Fill in the chart 7/4/2018 Name Function Mouth Pushes food from mouth to stomach Stomach Absorbs water and eliminates waste
Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Name Function Eleanor M. Savko Name Function Mouth Chemical and mechanical digestion. Saliva breaks down the food Esophagus Pushes food from mouth to stomach Stomach Mechanical digestion occurs. Breaks down proteins Small intestine Large intestine Chemical digestion. Continues the breakdown of proteins. Absorbs water and eliminates waste 7/4/2018
The excretory system removes: Carbon dioxide and oxygen Water, waste, and oxygen Urea, water, and oxygen Carbon dioxide, urea, water, and waste Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is d
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
What is the major organ of excretion is: Liver Intestines Bladder kidney Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
By filtering the blood, the kidneys produces urine. Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is d By filtering the blood, the kidneys produces urine.
Name the organs of the Excretory System: Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Name the organs of the Excretory System:
Lungs, skin, liver, and kidneys Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Lungs, skin, liver, and kidneys
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The skin has an important function of releasing _______, ______, and _____. Why?
Water, sweat, and heat. Why- Sweating cools off the body Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Water, sweat, and heat. Why- Sweating cools off the body
Name the three muscles Muscle Example or explain Eleanor M. Savko Name the three muscles 7/4/2018 Muscle Example or explain Provide the force to move the bone. Voluntary Ex. Swimming Involuntary muscles. Ex: Breathing Smooth and skeletal muscles. Involuntary Ex: Heart
Provide the force to move the bone. Voluntary Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 3 Muscle Example or explain Skeletal Provide the force to move the bone. Voluntary Ex. Swimming .Smooth Muscle Involuntary muscles. Ex: Breathing Cardiac Smooth and skeletal muscles. Involuntary Ex: Heart
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The central nervous system consists of: a. Heart and blood b. Lungs and trachea c. small intestine and large intestine d. Brain and spinal cord
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is b
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The __________ change information about the environment to nerve impulses. Eardrum Reflex Retina senses
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is d
The control center of your body is by the ___________. Axons b. Synapse c. Nerves d. impulses Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The answer is C
Name three parts of the Brain. Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Name three parts of the Brain.
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Cerebrum Cerebellum Brainstem or medulla
Compare the functions of axons and Dendrites? Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Compare the functions of axons and Dendrites?
Dendrite- carries nerve impulses towards the cell body. Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Dendrite- carries nerve impulses towards the cell body. Axon- carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
Vertebrae makes up your __________ Brain Body Backbone spine Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is D
Cartilage does what? Connects tissues Helps you grow Connects muscles Connects cells Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The correct answer is A
Where two bones come together Where two muscles come together Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 A joint is: Connects tissue Where two bones come together Where two muscles come together Connects muscles
Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 The answer is B
Give an example of each joints: Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Give an example of each joints: 1. Ball and Socket joint 2. Pivot joint 3. Hinge joint 4. Gliding joint
Ball-and-Socket joint - Shoulder Eleanor M. Savko Ball-and-Socket joint - Shoulder Pivot Joint- the bone rotates- turning your head Hinge joint- like a door-knee, elbow Gliding joint- allows one bone to slide over another- wrist or ankles 7/4/2018
Name the five functions of the skeletal system? Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Bonus: Name the five functions of the skeletal system?
Protects your internal organs Eleanor M. Savko 7/4/2018 Shape and support Enables you to move Protects your internal organs Produces blood Stores materials