What types of hazards do certain substances have? LEARNING TARGET: I can infer hazard classifications a substance may have and assess appropriate safety precautions. SEP 13 / 14 Activity A02 Types of Hazards CHALLENGE Q: What types of hazards do certain substances have? VOCAB: corrosive flammable A substance that reacts with a solid material (dissolves) Catches on fire when exposed to a spark, flame or heat source (burns)
safety precautions for potassium hydroxide: goggles and gloves PROCEDURE and DATA: Materials: Procedure: Read pg. A-7 DATA: WS 2.1 (then debrief PPT) WS 2.2 Venn Diagram (then debrief PPT) ANALYSIS: A-9 Q 2 (read, think of answer with question in it) safety precautions for potassium hydroxide: goggles and gloves
CLAIM – EVIDENCE – REASONING (CER) EXERCISE ANALYSIS (cont'd) (separate sheet of paper + turn in) A-9 Q 3 Which substance from WS 2.1 greatest hazard to humans / animals ? CLAIM – EVIDENCE – REASONING (CER) EXERCISE Make a CLAIM (a statement or conclusion that answers the original question/problem) Give 2 pieces of SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (scientific data that supports the claim) Explain Your REASONING (a justification that connects the evidence to the claim)
toxic (poison), flammable (burns), corrosive (dissolves) ANSWER CHALLENGE Q: What types of hazards do certain substances have? A: toxic (poison), flammable (burns), corrosive (dissolves) HOMEWORK: (if not done yet) WS 2.3 / 2.4 (20pts, 15/15 SEP) 2. C-E-R pgA9 Q3 – separate paper (10pts, next class)